
Activist: Child murder is tragic, more resources needed


Nadella Oya -
Nadella Oya –

Child rights activist and founder of civil society organisation Createfuturegood, Nadella Oya, said the violent killing of a child was a tragedy like no other and a stark reminder of the malevolence that prevails in TT society.

She was speaking after the shooting of five-year-old Anika Guerra and her father Enrico in their home in St. Mary's Village, Moruga, on Tuesday.

Responding to questions from Newsday via WhatsApp, Oya said: “As much as Trinbagonians are a magical people, we share an unresolved generational trauma with our diaspora. Gun violence, sexual violence and physical violence are all painful and tragic ways to take a life. As individuals with a certain amount of agency in our lives, we can actively address all dangerous situations.”

She said sadly hundreds of children have died as a result of some form of violence.

“When you think about the circumstances, it usually involves an adult who has suffered trauma that has not been addressed or resolved. If our educational, mental health and social systems can address trauma and teach coping mechanisms, perhaps more people can practice healthy alternatives to violence and we can see a reduction in these types of tragedies.”

She said that civil society and social organizations play a crucial and important role in helping families cope with the situation and also help provide much-needed support to people who consider crime and violence as a life choice.

“Providing funding to social and community work organisations can help provide alternatives to people who choose crime.

“What happened to Anika and her father will impact their family in a way that requires long-term psychosocial support. Anika and her father could still be alive today if our social work was more effectively funded.”

Clinical and social psychologist Charles Collier said the situation was inevitably traumatic for both those involved and those watching.

“Crimes of this kind are traumatic, both for those involved and for society as a whole.”

At the time of going to press, the police victim and witness assistance service was unavailable.