
Crime scene cleaning tips for beginners


  • Crime Scene Cleaner offers players more than just simple cleanup tasks: a detailed storyline and hidden secrets to discover.
  • With tools like sponge, mop, pressure washer and bucket, players can learn the art of cleaning and do a thorough job.
  • Discover hidden secrets, improve your skills at home base and leave no trace at the crime scene to earn full points.

Building on the success of cleaning games like Powerwash Simulator And Detail of the viscera cleansing, the newly published Crime scene cleaner has completely surprised the audience and brought something new to the genre. The game is packed with multiple cleaning tools for an intense process, a detailed storyline that gives depth to the characters, and many hidden secrets. It offers much more than just simple cleaning jobs.

The story is led by a protagonist who tries to pay the medical bills of his sick daughter. Crime scene cleaner captures the emotional tension that players wouldn't expect from a simulator game of this type. But behind this great story lies a lot of cleaning. New players trying the game for the first time can set themselves up for success by learning the tricks of the trade to become a famous crime scene cleaner.


Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets and Tapes in Bad Call

Here is a complete Crime Scene Cleaner guide to help you uncover all the secrets and tapes for the Bad Call mission.

8 Sponge away

Reach even hard-to-reach places

Like any good cleaning simulator, Crime scene cleaner offers players a selection of different cleaning tools to get the job done, with each serving an individual purpose in combating different types of bloodstains. There are also higher and lower areas that present their own specific challenges. The first of these integral cleaning tools is the Sponge. This small but precise hand scrubber is primarily used for areas that require more thorough scrubbing.

The sponge is ideal for removing stubborn stains, especially on walls. It is great for cleaning areas that have already been cleaned and touching up those last spots that won't come off or were somehow missed. The sponge is also good for heavily soiled carpets that require more aggressive scrubbing than other areas.

7 Using the mop

Clean floors and walls

With its long reach and large area coverage, the mop is an essential cleaning tool that players will default to in most situations. From mopping up those pesky footprints to puddles of blood to wall splatters, the mop can do it all. Its long reach is also great for quickly mopping up large areas of dirt and blood.


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Here's how to steal the Miracle Fertilizer to unlock the Strawberry Fields Forever achievement in Crime Scene Cleaner's Bad Call mission.

After some time of use, the mop tends to become soaked with blood and leave stains on the floor if players don't keep a careful eye on it while cleaning. But the good news is that the white crosshair slowly turns dark red, indicating how much time is left before the player must dip it in the bucket's fresh water. Be sure to wipe up those spots of smeared blood as the mop gets soaked, as players should leave each area completely clean to finish.

6 The bucket

Keep cleaning equipment free of blood

An integral cleaning tool for players who want to use various cleaning equipment, the bucket is where the player can dip any cleaning items and wash them out when they become too blood-soaked. This applies to both the sponge and the mop. The tools turn the water more blood red with each dip and the player will eventually need to refill the bucket at certain taps to keep the water clear and fresh, so keep in mind that the pressure washer will need to be refilled at the bucket stations themselves.

Add Cleaning products The water makes it easier for cleaning tools to remove deeper stains. Lather them up with a bath in the bucket, then use new soapy water to tackle the stubborn stains.

5 Precise high pressure cleaner

Cuts through anything and everything

Anyone who is familiar with Powerwash Simulator and its epic expansions and upgrades will be all over this tool in Crime Scene Simulatoroffers that familiar experience among the other cleaning tools to keep it fresh. This tool offers the player reach, precision and tremendous power. The pressure washer is a great choice for high and hard to reach areas and walls where it will remove virtually every blood stain in its path.

Like the bucket, players can fill the pressure washer up at water sources throughout the levels and refill it as needed, keeping the water inside fresh. Upgrades allow it to exert significantly more pressure, cutting through the bloody mess in each scene and getting players out of there as quickly as possible.

4 Remove trash and evidence

Leave no trace at the crime scene

An essential part of the work in Crime scene cleaner leaves no trace, neither broken furniture, scattered objects nor incriminating evidence. With this in mind, the player's job is to collect objects such as bottles or broken furniture in a garbage bag as he walks around and makes sure the crime scene is spotless. Once these bags are full, they can be thrown into the truck or on the blue tarp. Dead bodies must also be discarded in these locations, so don't forget to get rid of them as you work.

Players must also collect evidence in each area, from cameras and Polaroid pictures of the murder to lists and phones with text messages. Players should not leave a single item behind that points to their client, instead they should get rid of them while dutifully fulfilling the role of crime scene cleaner for this criminal organization.

3 Arrange the furniture

Keep it neat and clean

All clients in the game want their scenes to be brand new and have nothing out of the ordinary, so it's the player's job to not only make sure incriminating blood stains, evidence, and more are removed, but also that the locations don't look suspicious to passersby. Furniture can be scanned to determine its exact location, allowing players to reposition chairs, paintings, and other objects so everything is back to how it once was.


Crime scene cleaner: How to get full marks on a bad call

In this guide, we will walk you through all the tasks you need to complete to get the perfect score on the Bad Call mission in Crime Scene Cleaner.

Since these things can be easily overlooked, you should keep checking the power-on scanner to find out where the items need to go. Make sure everything is in its right place and no one can spot a single detail that is out of order. Once it is in the right place, the outline will glow green and lock into place.

2 Use the Home Base

Improve your skills and learn the story

Back home between missions, players can interact with a ton of information, building the real life of the protagonist they are playing. Players learn about their daughter's health issues through letters, family photos, their daughter's bedroom, and more. The reality and emotion of the situation sinks in deeply.

But as easy as it is to get caught up in these details, the real purpose of coming home is to explore the basement and use the player's PC to find new jobs and unlock skills in the extensive skill tree. With various upgrades for tools like the mop and sponge, or for things like water, players can make the game easier on themselves in the long run by specializing in what gives them the most trouble.

1 Search for hidden secrets

Don’t be afraid to browse around

With so much knowledge to discover, one of the coolest and most unexpected details of Crime scene cleaner The areas hold so many secrets. Through closed secret paths and rooms, players can overcome barriers and find hidden collectible cassettes that they can use as background music while playing.

Items found during jobs can also be stolen, adding thousands of dollars to the player's bank. You can even collect drugs to sell later. Other things like lucky keys open certain things on each level, motivating players to investigate their surroundings more closely even when they think they're done. Key codes can also be hacked, providing good items to steal or story progression in their rooms. All of these additions encourage players to put in the extra effort to uncover all of the little details each area has to offer them.

Crime scene cleaner