
What the reclassification of cannabis as a Schedule III drug means for doctors

Photo credit: RomoloTavani

Doctors should educate themselves about the benefits of medical marijuana and be aware that cannabis may soon be reclassified as a Schedule III drug.

Discussions about legalizing cannabis have increased over the past decade, and changes to legalization can significantly impact how doctors treat patients. Currently, most U.S. states allow cannabis for medical purposes, and nearly half of U.S. states allow recreational use of cannabis. Pew Research Center The report found that only 11% of respondents believed that cannabis should not be legalized at all. Digital publication Cannabis Science and Technology notes that support for the legalization of cannabis is strong and consistent based on recent polls. According to a Related Press Article, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is changing the status of cannabis from its current classification as Schedule I (very restrictive) to a classification as Schedule III.

Although the Schedule III classification does not equate to legalizing recreational cannabis use, it will make the requirements less burdensome for doctors who want to prescribe medical marijuana. Given that Schedule I substances are classified as having no medical use, the reclassification of cannabis is a big step toward doctors being able to offer their patients an additional option for pain relief. Cannabis Science and Technology quoted a NBC Report noting that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed this status change a year ago, citing the value of medically prescribed cannabis.

However, there is a process to get cannabis classified as Schedule III. First, the Office of Management and Budget must greenlight the proposal, after which a public hearing period led by the DEA begins. Then, a review by an administrative law judge follows, after which the DEA issues a reclassification of cannabis. However, there is no guarantee, as Congress could overturn the DEA's decision. Overall, the process takes many months.

For doctors who are unfamiliar with the medical benefits of cannabis, there is a report by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) highlights some important uses for adults. For example, oral cannabinoids have been shown to provide patients with relief from chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Another use of cannabis is in the treatment of chronic pain, as patients experience significant relief from pain symptoms when treated with medical marijuana. The NIH study also found that short-term oral cannabinoid use reduced spasticity symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis.

Despite the tremendous benefits of medical cannabis, some patients (and doctors) are still hesitant to use it for treatment. In particular, some patients may fear that smoking cannabis could cause or worsen respiratory problems. Fortunately, marijuana cigarettes are not the only form of cannabis therapy. Cannabis carriers such as edibles, vaporizers, or sublingual drops can all be viable alternatives for patients. Regardless of the method of cannabis administration, doctors should be prepared to learn about the benefits of medical marijuana, as it may soon be classified as a Schedule III drug.