
Man sentenced to life in prison for murder of Algona police officer – KCHA News

The man convicted of first-degree murder of Algona police officer Kevin Cram last fall has been sentenced to life in prison.

Kyle Ricke, 44, of Algona, was found guilty last month after a four-day trial in Dickinson County. Assistant Attorney General Scott Brown prosecuted the case and said before the verdict Tuesday (Aug. 20) that Ricke deserved the mandatory life sentence without parole.

Ricke took the opportunity to make a statement before the verdict was announced.

Several of Officer Cram's family members also read victim statements in Kossuth County District Court before Judge Nancy Whittenburg imposed the sentence of life in prison without parole.

Ricke's verdict comes one day (August 19) after his request for a retrial was denied.

Ricke will be transferred to the Iowa Medical and Classification Center in Oakdale for further processing by the Department of Corrections.

Cram, 33, was also a member of the Nora Springs Police Department from 2013 to 2015.