
Donald Trump's caustic lies are causing trouble for the nation

For Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, the truth doesn't matter. He's more concerned with manipulating people and the situation. Trump's lies are strategic. Every lie he told during his debate with President Joe Biden on June 27 was meant to change the story and the facts in his favor. Every lie in his speech on January 6, 2021, at the Ellipse was meant to incite the crowd to attack the Capitol and prevent Biden's confirmation.

His persistent 2011 lie that Barack Obama was not born in the United States gained more followers with each repetition. His never-ending lie that the 2020 election was stolen continues to gain more followers. And his most recent lie that no one was at Kamala Harris's August 7 rally and that she faked the photos was designed to minimize support for her and build a false claim of election fraud.

All these lies don't make him a genius. But he's much worse than “weird.” The only leaders in world history who behave like this are dictators. And we're going to be stuck with this monster if the media doesn't stop feeding him lies. Maybe artificial intelligence can help us verify Trump's statements in real time, 24/7.

Austin Kuder,

Seven Hills