
Jury selection in sexual abuse trial of former Gilman School teacher Christopher Bendann

BALTIMORE – The jury in the sexual abuse trial of former Gilman School teacher Christopher Bendann has been seated after two days of individual questioning in the sensational case.

Next come the opening statements, in which both sides present their arguments.

The jury was selected on Thursday shortly before 6 p.m.

Judge James Bredar warned jurors that they would likely have to present sexually explicit evidence, including evidence related to a minor victim.

Prosecutors have charged Bendann, who worked at the elite private school in Roland Park, with child exploitation, child pornography and cyberstalking.

The alleged Bendann behaved inappropriately toward a then 15-year-old Gilman student, and this contact escalated to the point where Bendann repeatedly demanded nude photos from him and threatened him.

Text messages between Christopher Bendann (gray) and a 15-year-old Gilman student (blue).

Mike Hellgren

An earlier court document showed a text message with the victim. Bendann's message is gray, the victim's is blue. The victim wrote, “OK, just promise to never force or threaten me to be naked again.” Bendann replied, “OK, if we're friends, I promise I won't force or threaten you.”

Attorney Steve Silverman represents the victim who is seeking to testify in this case and spoke to us about the allegations last year.

“A picture is worth a thousand words, and essentially this case is closed thanks to these videos,” Silverman said.

The allegations

In an earlier motion seeking Bendann's continued detention before trial, prosecutors wrote: “The Gilman School administration had already spoken with Bendann about his behavior toward students. Bendann was advised by the school administration on more than one occasion to set clearer boundaries with students, not to meet with them outside of school… and to refrain from physical contact…”

Prosecutors also wrote: “He clearly has a disturbing history of grooming students by providing them with alcohol, watching them run or swim while naked, and soliciting them for photos via Snapchat. All of this behavior is straight out of the playbook that allowed him to [the minor victim]….”

Atlas Pyke is a former Gilman University student who observed jury selection and said he came to court to support any victims.

“I hope there will be a reckoning with the schools in the area, with many processes being overlooked or perhaps pushed aside,” Pyke said.

Bendann back in court

On Wednesday, Bendann caused a delay in the trial by refusing to appear from jail.

He said he did not want to face the “humiliation” of appearing in court every day and was upset that his special diet could not be accommodated.

He maintained his innocence, writing in a social media post: “…I have been falsely accused of horrific crimes. I strongly deny these false allegations. I am working with my legal team to prove my innocence and restore the reputation I have built over decades.”

Although Judge Bredar allowed Bendann to miss parts of the trial, the former teacher appeared on Thursday and appeared to be involved in jury selection.