
Hong Kong police arrest two women for 22 cases of theft in supermarkets and chain stores

Hong Kong police have arrested two women in connection with at least 22 cases of shoplifting in supermarkets and stores across the city over a period of seven months.

Police said on Friday that the two non-Chinese suspects, who hold Hong Kong identity cards and are both 43 years old, are suspected of stealing items worth HK$57,000 (US$7,300), mainly medicines and health products, during the incidents.

Investigators from the Kowloon East Regional Crime Unit launched an investigation into shoplifting after the number of reports of such crimes rose to 4,415 between January and June 2024, from 3,939 in the same period last year.

According to police, this trend coincided with the growing popularity of self-checkouts in supermarkets and chain stores across the city.

Senior Inspector Ng Ming-fung, a member of the unit, said police investigations had revealed that some cases also involved non-Chinese thieves belonging to the same syndicate.

He said the group was likely targeting supermarkets and chain stores such as pharmacies to steal medicines and health products, among other things.

“They targeted busy shops and usually committed their crimes alone or in pairs,” said Ng. “Due to the nature and quantity of the goods stolen, police assumed that they were not for personal use but were being sold to non-Chinese residents or small businesses such as pharmacies.”

The senior inspector said the gang made profit without investing anything.

After reviewing surveillance camera footage and collecting evidence, police arrested the two women in the Kowloon West area on Wednesday evening.

Ng said the two suspects were involved in at least 22 cases of shoplifting between February and August.

Officers confiscated the clothing the suspects wore during the crimes and also recovered some of the stolen items during the arrest, he said.

The two suspects are involved in at least 22 cases of shoplifting between February and August, police said. Photo: Shutterstock

The two women were arrested for the thefts – an offense punishable by up to ten years in prison.

According to police, further arrests are possible as investigations are still ongoing.

“Police will continue to track the whereabouts of the remaining stolen items and investigate whether anyone is suspected of planning a theft or dealing in stolen goods,” police said.