
Arizona's new cancer plan sets out concrete goals and Hobbs' letter of support

The Arizona Department of Health Services and the American Cancer Society's Cancer Action Network recently released a new action plan to combat cancer across the state.

Cassie Webb, who directs the state's comprehensive cancer control program, said the plan sets concrete goals, such as expanding cancer screenings and improving care.

“The plan includes data on costs, on health disparities, specific data on cancer types and data on the social vulnerability index,” Webb said. “And incorporating this information helps us and our partners look at cancer from different perspectives.”

She said they rely on the many local partners in rural communities and other underserved areas who made the plan possible to ensure it was effective.

“There is no one size fits all solution,” Webb said. “And that's where it's important to work with community experts who can empathize with the patients or potential patients we're trying to reach.”

She added that Governor Katie Hobbs' letter of support at the beginning of the plan shows a lot of energy behind it, especially in terms of the policy goals outlined.

“It is the first time that this support has been included in the plan,” she said.

The plan also aims to provide patients with access to resources, information and support so they can advocate for themselves, she said.