
Can you recognize the famous cars from classic family movies and TV shows in less than 30 seconds? | Weird | News

In a tricky puzzle, readers must discover all the films and children's television shows that have to do with cars.

Hidden in the graphic are 18 family TV shows and films featuring legendary or unusual cars.

In this puzzle from family car dealership group JCT600, participants were asked to name them all within 30 seconds.

With 18 cross-generational references to iconic cars from cartoons, television and film, this challenge is perfect for keen observers.

Set a timer for 30 seconds and try to identify them all.

Here's a quick strategy you can follow. As you look more closely at the picture, try to figure out what each symbol represents.

Not every hidden element in this puzzle is a literal vehicle; some are references to classic stories.

The image features four vehicles, various characters and subtle references to iconic props and themes.


1) Crazy races

2) Mr Bean

3) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

4)Herbie the Turtle Beetle

5)The Monkees


7) Scooby-Doo



10)The Simpsons

11) Speed ​​Racer

12)The Flintstones

13)The Munsters

14)Starsky and Hutch

15) Ghost Hunter

16)Dumb and Dumber

17) Batman

18)Back to the Future

Have you found all the cars yet? If you couldn't find them all, we have listed the answer in the picture above.