
Vaping holidaymakers face fines and 10 years in prison

Industry experts have warned British tourists against buying potentially harmful illegal e-cigarettes on the black market abroad, as criminal gangs crack down on stricter regulations. Brits travelling with e-cigarettes or vapes are being warned by vape pod retailer Vape Club to check any restrictions on the devices at their destination – otherwise they face hefty fines or even a prison sentence.

Those visiting popular destinations in Southeast Asia can expect to encounter some of the strictest vaping laws in the world – more than two in five countries in Asia and Oceania have strict bans on the product. The most severe penalties are in popular destinations Thailand, Singapore and Australia. Unsuspecting tourists in Thailand could be fined up to 30,000 baht (about £650) or jailed for up to 10 years. In Singapore, possession of an e-cigarette could result in a fine of S$2,000 (about £1,200).

Australia recently announced a crackdown on nicotine-containing e-cigarettes, which now require a doctor's prescription. To avoid a hefty fine of up to 222,000 Australian dollars (over 125,000 pounds), vapers travelling to the country should be careful not to bring nicotine-containing e-liquids with them. Some Australian states even impose prison sentences for importing nicotine-containing e-liquids.

Countries that impose strict restrictions are struggling with a growing black market. In Australia's Melbourne and the state of Victoria alone, the black market for organized crime gangs is estimated to be worth up to $500 million.

Experts warn tourists against buying dangerous, illegal e-cigarettes on the black market abroad in regions with strict regulations. These products are unsafe, untested and could be harmful.

Countries with strict vape laws

Countries that have completely banned vaping include Hong Kong, Mexico and Taiwan. In Qatar, vaping has been illegal since 2014 and anyone breaking the law can be fined up to 10,000 riyals (around £2,200) or jailed for a maximum of three months. No matter where tourists travel, it's important to check local regulations in advance to avoid an unwelcome penalty.

Dan Marchant, Director of the Vape Club, said: “As vaping becomes more and more popular around the world, the laws surrounding it are constantly changing. It is important for vapers to check the local vaping laws of their destination before booking their trip to avoid potential fines or even more serious consequences if vaping is banned in that country.

“The illegal trade in e-cigarettes has increased in countries where vaping is strictly regulated, reflecting the problems that once dominated the black market for cigarettes, including youth use, potentially dangerous products and unregulated retail sales. To avoid the use of illegal and potentially harmful products, it is advisable for travelers to bring their own e-cigarettes and accessories to countries where they are permitted in limited quantities for personal use.

“When traveling by plane to vaping-friendly destinations, remember to pack your batteries and vaping devices in your carry-on baggage to ensure they remain in a pressure-controlled environment, as they are not allowed in checked baggage.”