At the University of Denver, we pursue truth and knowledge because we enjoy intellectual discovery. We sharpen our critical thinking skills and explore diverse viewpoints. We follow our curiosity. We engage in complex and challenging conversations that impact our community and the world.

We do not seek consensus or homogenous thinking. Instead, we seek to learn from and contribute to the never-ending search for truth while demonstrating the respect, intellectual integrity, and strength of character that characterize us and our values.

Our commitments

Speech bubble symbol

Freedom of expression and civilized discourse

It is critical to our goals as an academic institution that community members can speak, participate, and listen in public discourse without fear of censorship.

Symbol with a group of three people


Accept and respect diverse perspectives and identities while fostering inspiring relationships and collaboration across differences.

Icon of the handshake

Academic freedom

As a fundamental principle of knowledge advancement, educators can teach, pursue, research and discuss what they believe is important and relevant without undue interference.

Freedom of expression and our policies

DU protects the right of all community members to free speech while maintaining a zero-tolerance policy toward harassment, discrimination, violence, or destruction of property.

Speakers at the DU Spark event

Show the way. Create opportunities.

Project grants. Community events. Specialized trainings and workshops. Campus-wide collaboration. And more. DU's Free Speech and Pluralism Initiatives, led by Faculty Director Derigan Silver, serve as a gathering place, hub, and engine for participating, learning, reflecting, and delving deeper into the most complex and difficult issues facing DU—and the world.

Contact us today

Join Signature DU programs

a student speaks in a classroom

Debate across the curriculum

DU professors work with rhetoric experts on campus to train students in non-competitive debates in the classroom. Using topics linked to class topics, students are assigned viewpoints that they must thoroughly research before defending their point of view in front of the class—all with the goal of deepening learning.

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DU's debate about braver angels


DU's annual programming day is dedicated to free expression, pluralism and civil discourse. Look for more information about the third Spark later this year.

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A range of microphones

Denver Dialogues

The Korbel School of International Studies and the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy bring together thought leaders from leading U.S. think tanks to engage in constructive conversations and debates on policy issues affecting the country and the world.

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