
Former minister dies without charge in Eritrean prison

Former minister dies without charge in Eritrean prison


NAIROBI, Kenya – A former Eritrean minister has died in prison without charge, six months after he was arrested and detained by authorities in the Red Sea state, whose human rights and civil liberties record is closely watched by the international community.

The death of 79-year-old Berhane Abrehe, finance minister and a fierce critic of President Isaias Afwerki, was confirmed by a family member in a conversation with the media, the BBC reported.

He was the country's longest-serving finance minister, but was removed from office in 2012 after clashes with President Isaias Afwerki.
Six years later, he was imprisoned after publishing a book in which he called the president a “dictator” who must step down.

His family told the BBC that the authorities, who rarely confirm the deaths of senior officials in custody, had informed them of Mr Berhane's death. The family says the government plans to bury him in the Asmara Patriots Cemetery.

Only veterans of the Eritrean War of Independence like Mr Berhane or members of the military service can be buried there. His body has not yet been released, his family said, and it is not clear exactly when and how Mr Berhane died, the BBC adds.

He was never brought to trial. President Isaias has ruled the East African country without holding national elections since he won the war of independence against Ethiopia in 1991.

Political parties, civil society organizations and independent media are banned. The UN and human rights groups have long accused the Eritrean government of serious human rights violations, including torture, enforced disappearances and the detention of tens of thousands of people under inhumane conditions.

Berhane's dispute with President Isaias began during the latter's 12-year term as finance minister, when he demanded transparency from Isaias regarding the state budget. The budget is still not accessible to the public.