
Days of Our Lives Spoilers for the Week of 08/26/24: Trouble for Fiona

If it's true, it would be exciting: According to Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24, Fiona's secret might not last much longer.

It's too much to ask that Fiona be exposed, caught and thrown in prison within a couple of weeks. I've watched this soap long enough to know that it only ends stories quickly when it has an even more nefarious plan in mind for the characters.

Still, having someone overhear Fiona's secret is a good start, especially if the eavesdropper is someone who is normally honest.

Collage of Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24.Collage of Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24.

This Sarah hit-and-run story feels like a mashup of past stories. Sarah was hit by a car when she was just eight years old, and Brady was already accused of a serious crime, even though he couldn't remember what really happened.

Speaking of hackneyed TV cliches! “Days of Our Lives” is a self-denial.

Nevertheless, the consequences will be enormous when the truth finally comes to light.

Xander's reaction will be epic when he learns that the mother he asked Sarah not to invite to her wedding is the one who drove drunk and hit her. And Maggie will be just as disappointed as she was when she learned about Theresa's bad behavior.

We're a long way from that, but Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of August 26-24 point in the right direction: someone may have been eavesdropping on Fiona.

Justin raises his hand defensively as he makes something clear to Alex on “Days of Our Lives” during the week of July 15-24.Justin raises his hand defensively as he makes something clear to Alex on “Days of Our Lives” during the week of July 15-24.
(Peacock screenshot)

How will Fiona get out of here?

Blackmail and bribery are part of their remit

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24 say Justin may overhear something, most likely Fiona talking to herself.

If Justin confronts her, she will likely lie her way out of it or try to convince him that he misunderstood what she heard.

But if that doesn't work, anything is possible. Fiona is not the kind of person you like to spend time with, and she wouldn't shy away from blackmail or bribery if she thought it would get her out of trouble.

Of course, she shouldn't have much influence over Justin, but if she threatened Bonnie, that might do the trick.

The fake Abigail makes a phone call on “Days of Our Lives”The fake Abigail makes a phone call on “Days of Our Lives”

The false Abigail is met with skepticism

Kristen doesn't believe her story, but will Chad listen?

I hate it when characters become stupid for the sake of the plot.

Chad should have alarm bells ringing because Jennifer insisted that this woman was not her daughter. Instead, he is angry at Jennifer for embarrassing “Abigail.”

Kristen is not the most trustworthy person and Chad doesn't like her very much either. He may not listen to her out of spite when she suggests that “Abigail” is not who she says she is.

Still, the fact that two different people are convinced that this stranger is not Abigail should make Chad rethink what he thinks he knows.

Jada comes to the penthouse apartment to question Brady on “Days of Our Lives.”Jada comes to the penthouse apartment to question Brady on “Days of Our Lives.”

Brady confesses to a crime he did not commit

Spoiler: Jada is under pressure to close the case

Even though Brady didn't run over Sarah, the mess he's in is largely his own fault.

He continues to drink with Fiona, even though he is appalled that he hit Sarah while driving drunk. But that is the least of his sins.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24 say Brady will choose not to come clean to Jada – which is his right, but probably wouldn't be wise in this case.

Xander will put pressure on Jada to close the case.

So if Brady confesses despite having no memory of the fateful night, she will likely take it at face value and arrest him, continuing the trend of poor police work that is common in Salem.

Holly bursts into Days of Our Lives when Sophia makes a proposal to shirtless TateHolly bursts into Days of Our Lives when Sophia makes a proposal to shirtless Tate

Sophia still manages to cause trouble

Holly questions Tate about what happened between him and Sophia

Uh oh. It sounds like a breakup is imminent to create drama.

Holly seemed to know that Sophia was acting desperate and stupid while her former best friend was in the room.

But once Sophia left, Holly demanded that Tate tell her what was really going on, and Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24 suggest she will continue to push for answers.

Just once I would love to see someone's stupid and ridiculous plan to drive a wedge between a couple fail. Is that too much to ask?

Fiona sips a drink, aware that she could get into trouble on Days of Our Lives.Fiona sips a drink, aware that she could get into trouble on Days of Our Lives.

Justin gets a lecture about Fiona's guilt

The million dollar question is whether he understands what she means

As discussed above, if Justin actually finds out that Fiona hit Sarah, she will likely resort to lies, manipulation, or blackmail.

There is, however, an easier way: the tried and tested unexpected plot twist where Justin thinks Fiona is talking about something completely different.

He might hear something ambiguous or assume that Fiona feels guilty about not driving Brady home, rather than realizing that she was driving Brady's car that night.

Regardless of what the Days of Our Lives spoilers say for the week of 8/26/24, this story still has a long way to go, so Fiona's secret will be kept one way or another.

Melinda wakes up in “Days of Our Lives” and finds herself tied to a bedMelinda wakes up in “Days of Our Lives” and finds herself tied to a bed

Melinda realizes the danger she is in

After tying her to a bed, Connie reveals her true face

If anyone likes this Connie/Li cardboard story, please leave a comment ASAP.

So far, I haven't found anyone who doesn't hate it, and Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24 suggest Connie will now torment Melinda.

This obsessive love story feels like Whitley King 2.0, and the first part was bad enough!

As annoying as Melinda can be, she's also smart and tough, so maybe she'll surprise everyone and outsmart Connie.

That would almost make this nonsense worth watching.

Gabi and EJ in the mirror on “Days of Our Lives”.Gabi and EJ in the mirror on “Days of Our Lives”.

Gabi puts the next step of her plan into action

She makes EJ a surprising offer

It's no secret that Gabi hates EJ, but right now she hates Stefan even more.

She has several opportunities to ruin Stefan's life if she goes through EJ.

She and Stefan worked together to wrest EJ's shares so they could run Dimera, but she might get Stefan some karma by switching sides now.

She can't crash her wedding to Stefan to publicly humiliate him since they're already married, but she might decide it's fair to turn around and jump into bed with EJ.

Ava drinks coffee and looks wild on “Days of Our Lives.”Ava drinks coffee and looks wild on “Days of Our Lives.”

Connie threatens Ava

Messing with the former mafia princess is probably not a good idea

Ava knows that Melinda went to Connie's apartment, so it will be impossible for Connie to stop her from finding out who is responsible for Melinda's disappearance.

In Connie's opinion, the next best thing would be to neutralize her. While that makes sense, what Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24 suggest will happen next: threatening Ava is logical.

Ava is a former mafia princess, so I don't understand why the show is currently so obsessed with making her seem like she's easily intimidated. She should be able to take down people like Connie without much effort.

Maybe Connie will be distracted by the meta-story and Ava and Melinda can overpower her while she watches Body & Soul.

Why not? That would make as much sense as everything else in this story.

Jada knocks on a door on “Days of Our Lives”Jada knocks on a door on “Days of Our Lives”

Jada completes a sad assignment

She hands over Stephanie Everett's ashes

I always expect Days of Our Lives to revisit its most used plot device and somehow bring Everett/Bobby back to life.

But maybe he'll stay dead. It certainly looks that way, because Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8/26/24 suggest that Jada will deliver Stephanie Everett's ashes.

The two will likely grieve together, as Jada fell in love with Bobby again at the time of his death.

Hopefully no one will carry the ashes around with them endlessly, like Anna did when she thought Tony was dead.

Now it's your turn, Days of Our Lives fans. Which spoilers are you most excited about?

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Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes air weekday mornings at 6/5c.