
New York judge dismisses Netrebko v. Met case

Norman Lebrecht

24 August 2024

From the AP:
A federal judge limited Anna Netrebko's lawsuit against the Metropolitan Opera to allegations of gender discrimination and dismissed the star soprano's claims of defamation, breach of contract and discrimination based on national origin.

U.S. District Judge Analisa Nadine Torres in Manhattan issued a 23-page decision …

And the message from the singer’s agent, Miguel Esteban: “It is normal for a court to narrow the issues during litigation, but this court recognizes that the facts alleged demonstrate that the Met wronged Anna Netrebko and that it is still dealing with an important case.'

That's a bit desperate. Defamation and breach of contract are serious claims. Gender discrimination just means that the Met would not have reacted in the same way to a male artist. Really? It has, and it continues to do so. Often.

Next case.