
BTS' SUGA apologizes for drunken incident during police interrogation

On August 23, BTS member SUGA attended a police interrogation at the Yongsan Police Station regarding a recent drunken driving incident. The investigation revolves around SUGA's alleged drunken use of an electric scooter on August 6, which attracted considerable public attention.

Incident overview

1. The DUI incident

The K-pop star was discovered by three patrol officers after he fell off his electric scooter on his way home. Officers noticed the smell of alcohol and took SUGA to the local police station. His blood alcohol level was reported at a significant 0.227%, indicating a high level of intoxication.

2. Public apology

When he arrived at the police station, SUGA bowed twice as a sign of apology. He addressed both the media and his fans, acknowledging the seriousness of his actions. “First of all, I apologize. I have disappointed my fans and many other people very much and I think about it deeply. I will diligently participate in the investigation. Once again, I am sorry,” SUGA stated, according to The Independent.

3. Impact on public image and military service

The incident has negatively affected SUGA's public image and led to increased scrutiny of his current role as a social worker in the military service. SUGA's role is perceived as less demanding than active military service. On the same day he appeared before police, Chosun Ilbo reported that the Korean military administration would investigate allegations of preferential treatment. The investigation was prompted by a civil lawsuit filed on August 12 that questioned whether SUGA had received special treatment, including unauthorized absences.

Support from like-minded people

Despite the controversy, SUGA has received support from fans and well-known personalities. Min Jin Lee, the acclaimed author of Pachinkohas publicly supported SUGA during this difficult time. Lee shared a photo of SUGA on Instagram accompanied by a purple heart emoji, which resonated with the BTS fanbase and expressed their solidarity.