
I had fun in prison and would love to go back to prison – Bobrisky – The Whistler Newspaper

Crossdresser Idris Okuneye, known as Bobrisky, said he expected a different outcome when he defied his lawyer's order and pleaded guilty to spraying naira.

He was tried by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and served a six-month prison sentence.

THE WHISTLER recalled that Bobrisky in the Eye of the Storm after he squandered money at a film premiere months ago and the controversial cross-dresser was released in early August.

Meanwhile, Bobrisky explained why he disobeyed his lawyer on the YouTube interview show ‘Curiosity Made Me Ask’ hosted by Isbae U and pleaded guilty to naira misuse.

Bobrisky also noted that he would like to go back to prison because he had a lot of fun there.

“I see being in prison as a holiday where I can recover. I worked so hard that they decided to break me, but nothing happened to me, nothing happened to my mother from Lagos!

“I would like to go back to prison, maybe for a short time, not for a long time. The reason I want to go again is because… not that I really want to go again. These people really want to break me. I have never seen anyone they convicted for spraying naira. It happened to me like a movie, like I was watching Netflix.”

He continued: “In court, I pleaded guilty. If I had told the judge that I was not guilty, she would have granted me bail and released me home. But I told her that I was guilty. Why did I tell the judge that I was guilty? The reason is because I noticed that Nigerians do not like the truth.

“I pleaded guilty because I was in the video and because I was the one spraying money in the video. That's Bob! So I believe that when I tell my Lord, the judge in court is telling the truth. Go in there and tell the truth. Sometimes the truth sets you free, sometimes it doesn't.

“But I don't care if it gets me out, even my lawyer in the EFCC prison told me to say in court that I am not guilty. But I looked at it and said: I am the one spraying money and I did not know that spraying money is a criminal offence.

“But you know what, let me tell my master the truth. Whether my master is a man or a woman, I really don't care. I'm going to tell the truth. Now it's up to my master to decide whether I get a fine, community service, or something else. My master has decided to sentence me to prison.”

The controversial cross-dresser added: “In prison, we bathed separately. When I was sentenced, that was my home for a short time… I had fun when I was in prison. I made myself happy.”

“I did my time in juvenile hall and I really enjoyed it. If they had allowed me to stay in juvenile hall, I wouldn't have had fun and enjoyed myself. When I was in juvenile hall, I was the only other person there, so people were nice to me, they looked after me, they were kind to me, so nice.

“If I were in a women’s center, who would take care of me, buy me food, ask if I had eaten, take care of me…

“The correctional facility is afraid to put me in a female prison because of you Nigerians, but I was in female custody of the EFCC because there were four people in a room, boys and obviously a bad guy with boobs, so they didn’t want to put me with boys.

“It's a great feeling to have been in prison. The people there are people, not animals. I live in two worlds now. I'm in the outside world and I was in a prison, so I know the atmosphere there and here.”

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