
The problem with coding in the AI ​​age

The problem with coding in the AI ​​age

Have you noticed that the business model of training young people in developing countries for (remote) software jobs in developed countries has cooled significantly? Yes, this business model is being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI).

Have you also noticed that the number of ads for attending coding schools or coding camps has decreased? Yes, the fact that coding is becoming largely obsolete as many programmers in leading tech companies are putting themselves out of a job by coding, meaning companies don't need many of them, will hurt the coding pipeline.

Look at it this way: you have 200 engineers running an AI playbook. When they're done and successful, you may only need 40 people because AI is now a team member. So today's programming jobs may not create many roles for programmers!

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Programming is the blue-collar profession of the 21st century. The real craft is mathematics, which my teacher, Mr. Aham, defined in high school as “the wonderful science of numbers” and “the pillar on which the understanding of natural philosophy is built.”

Yes, developing algorithms and NOT programming will be the sustainable opportunity as the AI ​​revolution gains momentum. I had this chat with Microsoft Copilot:

Sure – the coding is not finished yet, but be careful.

The future of programming as the AI ​​revolution intensifies

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