
Man gets life sentence for murdering his girlfriend | Mumbai News

MUMBAI: A court on Friday sentenced a man to life imprisonment for allegedly attacking and killing his girlfriend in 2019. Highlighting the brutality of the crime, the court noted that the victim suffered numerous injuries and eventually died after the accused denied her necessary medical attention.


Marina Lalmalswani hails from Mizoram and has been living with her partner Ramsen Kuroio, 30, in Kalina, Santacruz since 2018. Marina had previously confided in a friend that she had to endure frequent attacks from Ramsen, who suspected her of infidelity.

On August 19, 2019, Marina's friend Pari came to know that Marina had been hospitalized due to a health issue. Marina was subsequently admitted to VN Desai Hospital, where she was declared dead. According to Pari's report, an examination revealed injuries on Marina's left eye, chin, cheeks, hip, shoulder, left leg and both hands. This led to the filing of a complaint and the arrest of Ramsen Kuroio at the hospital under Section 302 (punishment for murder) of the Indian Penal Code.

According to the autopsy and chemical analysis reports, Marina's death was ruled unnatural, with brain compression identified as the probable cause of death. The reports indicate several injuries on her body.

Additional public prosecutor Geeta Sharma stressed that the severity of the injuries and the cause of death confirmed that the case was a homicide. She noted that the defence had not presented any solid evidence to challenge the medical findings, but had only suggested that Marina might have suffered internal injuries due to weakness caused by lack of food when she fell.

Lawyer Sharma contradicted this argument and stressed that the approximately 20 bruises on Marina's body were not the result of a simple fall, which supports the conclusion that the attack was deliberate.

Defense counsel Ganesh K. Sovani argued that the witnesses present had no direct knowledge of the events between Ramsen Kuroio and Marina Lalmalswani on the day of her death, suggesting that the complaint was based solely on suspicion.

However, Justice NS Shaikh delivered a verdict on Friday, convicting Ramsen Kuroio of murder under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Under Section 235(2) (In case of conviction, the judge shall hear the accused while pronouncing the verdict) of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Ramsen was sentenced to life imprisonment. “Taking all these circumstances into consideration, I think that punishment is fit for justice,” she added.