
Passerby photographs major landscaping faux pas in parking lot: “Slow murder”

This is the most spectacular mulch volcano yet, glowing red against a gray background of stone and asphalt in a parking lot.

A Redditor made this post to highlight the ridiculous landscaping mistake made by both beginners and “experts” alike.

"Here are some professional landscape gardeners hard at work!"
Image credit: Reddit

“Heard you guys like mulch volcanoes,” they wrote. “There are some professional landscapers hard at work here!”

“Apart from the slow destruction of the tree,” said one commentator, “the volcano does not look appealing at all. The goal must have been to charge the customer more or something.”

Other users compared the angry red mulch to a pimple or boil, and one wondered how to water the tree. Some asked for details on why volcano mulch is not only unsightly but also unhealthy.

The folks in r/Arborists have come out on top and pointed out that mulch should not touch a tree trunk, nor should it be piled up that high, as this can cause the trunk to rot, weaken, or develop fungal or bacterial problems. Essentially, it comes down to leaving the root ramps exposed.

This prevents the roots from encircling the tree as they seek oxygen when buried under too much mulch. When they reach the surface, they grow around the main roots or trunk, slowly strangling the tree.

Proper mulching involves leaving a ring around the base of the tree's roots and limiting the mulching depth to 2 to 3 inches. This helps the tree retain moisture and protects it from lawn equipment. The mulch also keeps weeds away and improves the soil as it decomposes, providing nutrients to the tree.

If you're thinking about repairing a mulch volcano or making other improvements to your yard, keep all of this in mind. Proper care of your trees will help you save money and protect the rest of your property.

You can also be a friend to the environment by planting and maintaining native species. These attract native wildlife, including pollinators, thus ensuring the biodiversity of local ecosystems and even the security of our food supply.

These natural steps are of utmost importance as we all work to slow the rise in global temperatures. But these changes aren't just good for the earth. Alternatives to grass and gas-powered lawn equipment can improve our health and save us money. By switching to a clover lawn or xeriscaping, you can save on your water bill as well as fertilizers and pesticides.

In addition, the time you previously spent mowing and trimming your lawn will be given back to you, which you can now use to care for your trees or simply sit back and enjoy your blossoming outdoor space.

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