
Youth group joins HPG and promises to fight for freedom

In a statement, they said they would “fight against the genocidal attacks on the Kurdish people.”

The statement begins: “In addition to isolating leader Öcalan, a dirty war is being waged against women and youth in Kurdistan with the intention of plunging our society back into the darkness and slavery it was 40 years ago. Today we see the fascist Turkish regime carrying out genocidal attacks throughout Kurdistan and waging an immoral special war especially against women and youth. They ban our language, culture and identity. We know that we can live without bread and water, but we cannot live without our language, culture and identity.”

The statement continued: “On this basis, we, the sons and daughters of the Kurdish and Middle Eastern people, announce our joining the freedom fighters of Kurdistan in response to the call of our party, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), to oppose betrayal, deceit and occupation.”

The youth vowed to “fight against the enemy occupation until the last drop of blood and we will continue our struggle for freedom.”