
Unusual tug of war: humans and sharks fight over fish. Guess who wins the fight? | Trends

August 27, 2024, 06:40 IST

A video showing a group of men trying to free a large tuna from the mouth of a shark has gone viral on social media. It has surprised people.

Stories about humans' treatment of wild animals or underwater creatures are always surprising and frightening. One such incident was captured on video and showed a group of men snatching a fish from a shark. The incident sparked a discussion on social media about humans invading the habitat of wild animals and disturbing the laws of nature.

The incident, in which a group of men
The incident, in which a group of men “fought” a shark over a fish, occurred off the coast of San Diego. (Unsplash/geerald)

Dailymail shares the video on Instagram. “A chartered fishing crew off the coast of San Diego engaged in a tense tug-of-war over a large tuna with an opportunistic mako shark,” the newspaper wrote.

The video begins with a man leaning out of a fishing boat trying to pull a fish out of a shark's mouth, but he fails. Soon other people come to him and help him pull the fish out, and after a few seconds of struggle, the people finally succeed and the shark disappears underwater.

Watch the video here:

The video has received numerous likes and comments since its publication, with most expressing surprise, but others criticizing the fishermen for invading the shark's territory and stealing its food.

What did Instagram users say about this video of the shark?

“No one is greedier than humans. They steal food from these creatures in their own home,” wrote one Instagram user. Another person expressed a similar sentiment, asking, “Why didn't he just give it to the poor creature?”

A third said: “Let the shark have it. What is wrong with people?” A fourth said: “Next time the shark will bite the fisherman for stealing his food.”

What do you think about this video showing a tug of war between a shark and a group of men?