
Timmerman Traverse for Life Science Cares reaches $1 million goal to fight poverty

We made it!

The Timmerman Traverse for Life Science Cares concluded last week. This team of biotech executives and investors met their goal of raising $1 million to fight poverty in the United States.

We hiked together about 32 kilometers and climbed an elevation of 1,830 to 2,440 meters in the North Cascades in Washington State.

This trip had everything.

Spectacular views of peaks, glaciers and mountain lakes.

Physical challenges on steep paths.


Common goal.

Some detailed scientific discussions.

Lots of jokes and stories.

Most importantly, this campaign raised awareness of Life Science Cares' national network of nonprofit organizations. These organizations provide short-term basic food and shelter to those in need and provide access to long-term pathways out of poverty – education and job training. We raised funds to support the best organizations doing this work in our communities.

Our efforts will continue.

These mountaineering programs have collectively led the biotech community to donate $10.9 million since 2017. More than 135 people have taken up the challenge and participated in these experiences around the world. More than 10,000 people have donated at least once to one of these campaigns.

Timmerman Traverse’s campaigns tap into something deep and meaningful.

It's about getting out into nature and doing something difficult with friends for a common goal. We build a community.

The Life Science Cares program, now in its fourthth year, has launched a national initiative to create 1,000 internships in the biotech industry for young people from underrepresented minority groups by 2027.

The origins of newly formed Boston-based public company Rapport Therapeutics trace back to conversations between an executive and an investor, and a health equity initiative was launched thanks to a generous donation from a two-time participant.

There are many more stories to tell. And there will be more to come.

For now, enjoy a few photos. And if you are interested in participating in or sponsoring these Timmerman Traverse expeditions, please let me know at [email protected].

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