
Number of heat-related deaths remains at 10, illnesses increasing | News

EL CENTRO – The number of probable heat-related deaths in the Imperial Valley remains at 10, but the number of reported illnesses has increased slightly.

The Imperial County Health Department's August 16 heat watch report states that these deaths occurred during the week of June 23 through the week of July 21.

As previously reported, seven of these deaths were men, and of the eight cases where age information was available, 12% were aged 17 or younger, 63% were aged 50 to 64, and 25% were 65 or older. The report also states that in all of the deaths, authorities did not know whether they were work-related and did not require treatment, or it was unclear whether they required hospitalization.

According to the report, heat-related deaths began the week of June 23, when temperatures exceeded 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius). Temperatures rose to over 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius) over the next four weeks, which also saw deaths.

The report also states that 111 cases of heat-related illness were recorded this year. Of the total number of heat-related illnesses reported, 68% were male, 79% were Hispanic, and 91% were outdoors at the time of the illness outbreak. At the same time, the age range of these cases was 12 to 92 years old, with the average age being 51 years old. The report adds that 26% of the cases were homeless, 14% were from outside the county, 56% were from Imperial County, and in 4% of cases, residence was unknown.

When the heat index is between 40 and 59 degrees Celsius, residents can expect sunstroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps, while prolonged exposure and/or physical activity can lead to heat stroke. Authorities recommend avoiding strenuous outdoor activities, staying in air-conditioned rooms and drinking plenty of fluids.

The heat index, sometimes called perceived temperature and expressed in degrees Fahrenheit, is a measure of how hot it really feels when relative humidity is factored into the actual air temperature, according to the report.

These numbers were reported by El Centro Regional Medical Center, Pioneers Memorial Hospital and the Imperial County Coroner's Office.

The 121 heat-related cases this year are far below the 191 cases last year and the 310 cases recorded in 2022.

The Imperial County Health Department is urging Imperial County residents to take precautions this summer to prevent heat-related illnesses, the report said.

Imperial County cities will provide cooling centers and hydration stations to their residents this summer. For locations and hours, visit: or contact your city, the report added.