
The new government can be described as a government of repression and execution

The “No to Tuesday Executions” campaign is entering its 31st week and a group of prisoners from Tehran's Bozorg prison and two members of the Italian parliament have joined the campaign. The statement, which is supported by prisoners from 19 prisons in Iran, was delivered to Hengaw. The full text of the statement is as follows:

The continuation of the “No to Tuesday Executions” campaign in its 31st week with the support and participation of a group of prisoners from Tehran’s Bozorg Prison and two members of the Italian Parliament

Under the newly installed government, at least 126 people were hanged and deprived of their right to life in the month of Mordad (July-August). Thousands of prisoners across the country, all victims of the systematic incompetence of this government, also await their execution.

In addition, as part of this campaign, the repressive apparatus has put pressure on prisoners who have protested in any way against this inhumane act and deprived them of their basic rights. A clear example of this pressure is the deprivation of the right to phone calls and visits for female prisoners in Evin Prison and the transfer of political prisoner Armita Pavir to solitary confinement in Tabriz Prison.

Given the intensification of repression and the background of the administration members appointed last week, the new administration can be described as an administration of repression and executions and seen as a prelude to further repression against society. Despite all the pressure and repression imposed by the religious government on this campaign and on Iranian society, prisoners continue to resist and stand against repression and executions. According to reliable sources, a group of political prisoners in Tehran's Bozorg Prison have announced that they will join the “No to Tuesday Executions” campaign that begins this week.

Fortunately, awakened consciences around the world have heard the voice of resistance to this campaign. Among them are some prominent Italian politicians who have announced their support for the “No to Execution Tuesdays” campaign.

The striking prisoners of the “No to Tuesday Executions” campaign in 19 different prisons, including Evin Prison (Women’s Section, Sections 4, 6, 8), Qezel Hesar Prison (Sections 3 and 4), Karaj Central Prison, Khorramabad Prison, Shiraz Military Prison, Mashhad Prison, Lakan Rasht Prison, Qaemshahr Prison, Tabriz Prison, Ardabil Prison, Urmia Prison, Khoy Prison, Naqadeh Prison, Salmas Prison, Saqqez Prison, Baneh Prison, Marivan Prison, Kamyaran Prison and Tehran Bozorg Prison, express their gratitude to everyone inside and outside the country who supports this campaign aimed at abolishing executions and torture in Iran. They once again call on all prisoners in the various prisons to join the “No to Executions on Tuesday” campaign. They also ask all people of conscience around the world to support this campaign to abolish and combat executions.

27 August 2024