
Pro-life activists need Trump to avoid going to prison

Former President Donald Trump has caused quite a stir within the pro-life movement in recent months when he openly advocated a more moderate stance on the abortion issue and promised that the problem must be solved at the federal level.

Trump's public break with the more vocal pro-life wing of the Republican Party has led some pro-life activists and commentators to believe the former president will lose their vote in November because a vote for Trump would be virtually no different than a vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, who promises to legalize abortion nationwide again.

While I would argue that this view is extremely short-sighted and exposes Trump to criticism that none of his Republican predecessors faced – the only reason Roe v. Wade The pro-life movement owes its existence to Republican appointments – the reasons for the pro-life movement's support of Trump lie less in the legality of abortion than in the opportunity to speak out publicly against abortion.

Since President Joe Biden’s administration took office 3 1/2 years ago, the Justice Department has pursued a regime of legal action against the pro-life movement that only accelerated after Roe v. Wade was repealed.

The instrument of this political persecution was the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE), which was used in a targeted and partisan manner against peaceful pro-life demonstrators in front of abortion clinics.

The law, passed in 1994, prohibits vandalism or other forms of physical violence against abortion clinics, as well as blocking the entrances to these clinics. Oddly, however, the same prohibition also applies to churches and other places of worship. The law is also worded such that it applies to pregnancy centers and similar clinics that do not perform abortions.

Yet, not surprisingly, the Biden administration has applied the law, with few exceptions, only in connection with abortion clinics, even though countless pro-life churches and pregnancy centers have been victims of vandalism, arson and threats.

Just this month, seven pro-lifers in Michigan, including 89-year-old Eva Edl, a World War II death camp survivor, were convicted of violating the FACE Act for peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic. The government tried to sentence a father of seven in Philadelphia to 10 years in prison for pushing away an abortion clinic volunteer who was harassing his son, but a jury thankfully blocked that. Many other pro-lifers, however, were not so lucky.

In Nashville, Tennessee, earlier this year, another group of activists, including Edl, were convicted of violating the FACE Act for singing hymns and praying outside the entrance to an abortion clinic.


This should be reason enough to vote for Trump on pro-life grounds. These politically motivated prosecutions will come to an immediate end under a new Trump administration, and actual violence against churches and crisis pregnancy centers will finally be prosecuted.

Trump has always been an imperfect advocate of the pro-life movement. He famously supported abortion before running for president in 2016. But it is thanks to him that Roe v. Wade has been repealed and efforts to ban abortion nationwide can begin. Regardless of what abortion-related bills he signs or doesn't, the persecution of the pro-life movement will come to a swift end should he return to the Oval Office. And that is reason enough for the pro-life movement to vote for him.