
Disabled victims of crime feel “infantilized” by police, says report | Police

Disabled victims of crime feel “infantilised” and “condescending” to police responses that fail to meet their needs, according to a landmark report revealing high levels of dissatisfaction.

Forty-five percent of disabled victims who reported a crime to the police were dissatisfied, compared with 40 percent overall, according to the most comprehensive report of its kind to date by the Victims' Ombudsman.

The report, based on the voices of 3,048 victims who reported crimes across England and Wales between 2020 and 2023, says police forces too often fail to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people.

Disabled victims were also less likely to report a crime to the police again, which the report says could exacerbate the disadvantage as they are more likely to become victims of crime.

Victims' Commissioner Helen Newlove is calling for disabled victims to be guaranteed access to independent specialist lawyers who will protect their rights.

“Who you are should not and must not determine the treatment you receive as a victim or the chances you have of seeking justice. It is a matter of great concern to me that certain groups of victims face significant hurdles,” said Lady Newlove.

Amy (not her real name) is autistic, deaf and blind and has been abused, harassed and intimidated by a group of men in her small community.

She said police officers struggled to understand her disability and how it made her feel even more vulnerable. She felt police were skeptical of her understanding of the situation, assuming “my disability makes me stupid” and “I deserve to be treated like this.” “They obviously thought that because of my disability, I had nothing better to do than to target this poor, innocent group of men,” she said.

“It's stressful when you can't get out of the situation. You feel like the police wouldn't protect you even if they broke in.”

Although the crimes were reported, police did not actively follow up on the leads and the investigation was closed, she said. Amy wants all police officers to be trained in dealing with disabilities and for special teams to be formed.

Another victim, who uses a wheelchair, recalled that police told her, “Because of my disability, someone should take care of me so that no crimes happen to me.” She added, “I am an adult and they did not treat me as such.”

The report's findings are supported by previous research by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which concluded that disabled people are not always treated fairly in the criminal justice system.

Among respondents from the mixed ethnic group, dissatisfaction with the police was even higher at 58%; many found them disrespectful.

Other findings: Almost three quarters (73%) of victims are not convinced that reporting a crime will lead to justice. Fewer than two in five (38%) victims thought the criminal justice system was fair and only 27% thought it was effective.

Almost half (46%) did not feel they were kept informed about their investigation and less than a third (30%) of victims felt the police had thoroughly investigated their case, speaking of “total disinterest”. A third (33%) felt it took too long for their case to go to court.

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In her foreword, Newlove warned that “too often our justice system does not prioritize the needs of victims.” Victims' knowledge of low prosecution rates “discourages or even silences them from speaking out.”

She added: “When poorly treated, many victims feel like they are a side issue, and long wait times in court add to the frustration.”

The findings come ahead of Labour's justice reforms, which aim to put victims' needs first through the Victims and Prisoners Bill, and follow a recent critical report by the Inspectorate of Police which concluded that “too many victims are still being let down”.

The report also found that less than a fifth (19%) of victims were aware of their rights under the Victims' Code. These rights include the right to be referred to victim support services for emotional support and practical guidance. The report found that there are geographical differences in access to this.

At the conclusion of the report, the Victims' Commissioner made recommendations aimed at ensuring the enforcement and updating of the Victims' Code, improving communication between law enforcement and victims, and expanding the range of support services for underserved groups, including training on anti-discrimination practices.

Genna Telfer, deputy chief constable and victim and witness representative of the National Police Chiefs' Council, said the report was “incredibly useful” and would help to drive further progress.

She added: “We are committed to meeting the high standards that victims deserve and are already working to drive improvements. Significant work is underway to respond to changes to the Victims' Code under the Victims and Prisoners Act 2024.”