
Ballot question on “Sumter Penny for Progress” published in advance

When the 2022 capital projects sales tax referendum, also known as “Penny for Progress,” came to the vote, there was confusion about the wording of the ballot question.

For the 2024 election, the ballot question was released early so Sumter County residents know what to look for on the ballot. The word “penny” is now clearly set in the headline for further clarity.

This is what the “Penny for Progress” ballot question will look like on the 2024 ballot:

Referendum on VAT for capital projects (Penny)

Must a special sales and use tax of one percent be imposed in Sumter County (the “County”) for not more than eight (8) years beginning May 1, 2025, to raise the amounts specified for the following purposes and to pay the costs (including the acquisition of rights of way and architectural, engineering, legal and administrative costs and related fees) of the projects described below; must the County also, pending receipt of such sales and use tax, be authorized to issue and sell County general obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $40,000,000.00, payable out of the sales and use tax to be collected and to pledge the sales and use tax to be collected in payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds?

$13,000,000 – Emergency Radio Pagers. New communications technology infrastructure to meet mandated digital radio and pager services, enabling statewide coverage and replacing outdated radios and pagers.

$14,000,000 – County fire trucks. Replace outdated fire trucks throughout the county. Rural fire stations include Cherryvale, Bethel, Graham, Pinewood, Pleasant

Grove, Mayesville, Dabbs, Byrd's, Wedgefield, Rembert, Beech Creek, Concord, Horatio, Dubose, Oswego and Manning Road.

$5,000,000 – City fire trucks. Purchase of fire trucks to serve the city and local industries.

$1,500,000 – Stadium Road EMS Station. A new 4,000 square foot satellite facility with a two bay truck port. Located on the Stadium Road property behind the

Fire station.

$1,000,000 for Ambulances. To purchase four (4) new ambulances to replace the aging, high mileage fleet for the statewide service area.

$2,000,000 – Industrial Infrastructure. To construct a 200,000 square foot pad ready industrial site with the potential for expansion to accommodate industrial customers.

$1,750,000 – Intersection Safety Improvements. Improve safety for all pedestrians at crosswalks/intersections near schools and residential areas.

$2,500,000 – Improvements to Bobby Richardson Park. The park will be transformed into a state-of-the-art baseball complex that includes a practice facility, more parking, and two new entrances for better accessibility.

$2,800,000 – Pickleball Courts at Patriot Park. Add fifteen (15) new pickleball courts to Patriot Park, as well as adjacent parking to support these and other park activities.

$2,750,000 – Downtown building improvements and acquisitions. Renovations and acquisitions of downtown buildings to advance economic development initiatives, including utility upgrades at Liberty Center.

$21,000,000 – County Paving/Repaving. New paving projects on 18.34 miles of unpaved roads to facilitate public transportation and emergency vehicle accessibility and to improve maintenance service on other county roads. Asphalt projects include: Ambrose Drive, Bainbridge Road, Bunneau Street, Campbell Court, Coastal Dr., Gaymon Road, Heirs Drive, Hugh Ryan Road, Jaguar Run, James Quincy Court, James Quincy Road, Joe Billy, Loblolly Road, Lynx Lane, Mayrant Court, McLean Street, Millhouse Road, Mundy Street, Munn Street, N. Mayrant Cir., Northridge Drive, Old Stone Road, Ott Street, Pasture Road, Pratt Avenue, Rosehill Road, Rufus Drive, Scotts Branch, S. Mayrant Cir., Sparkleberry Rd., Statesburg Hills, Stukes Road, Tate Street, Teakwood Drive, Walters Avenue and Woods Street.

Road resurfacing projects for 7.07 miles. Road resurfacing includes: Meadowcroft Dr., Ashlynn Way, Caitlynn Dr., Tamarah Way, Kari Drive, Candlelite Court, Falling-water Lane, Sun Valley Dr., Christopher Ct., Malone Drive, Inabinet Drive, Wind Tree Dr., Steeplechase Drive, Soye Dr., Longbranch Drive, Soye Circle, Bend K Drive, Colts Run Ct. and Cliffwood Court.

$3,000,000 – Stadium Road Fire Station. Reconstruction of the Stadium Road Fire Station.

$1,000,000 – Fire Department. Training Facility. To purchase and install a live fire training facility to conduct general fire department training.

$6,000,000 – Construction of state highways (Highway 378). Reconnection of communities and services north and south of the US-378 bypass at Wesmark

and Miller Roads to improve safety for drivers and pedestrians and increase mobility for all travelers. Funds will be used to advance state and federal transportation projects.

$10,000,000 – State Highway Resurfacing Grant. This project will be used to obtain additional funding from the State Department of Transportation to prioritize and expedite key state highway projects in Sumter County.

$3,250,000 – Public Services Building. Renovation and expansion of the Public Services Complex, including infrastructure necessary to support disaster relief efforts.

$1,500,000 – Industrial Property Acquisition. Acquire additional properties for industrial growth and economic development.

$2,600,000 – Improvements to Dillon Park. New restroom facilities for sporting events, including a restroom for the one-mile running track. Replace six (6) outdated ball field lighting systems with a brighter, more energy efficient LED system. Renovate the Crystal Lakes Golf Course driving range to accommodate junior and senior golfers.

$4,000,000 – Playground improvements in public parks. Upgrade public parks with infrastructure that improves safety and modern playground equipment that is accessible to all children, including Swan Lake, Birnie Center, Crosswell, Catchall-Shaw, Shiloh, Rafting Creek and others.

$1,000,000 – Modernize facilities at Central Carolina. Convert the Health Center building into classroom space for additional health science programs. Create walkways to connect the Health Center, Health Science Building and Annex.

$1,500,000 – Revitalization of Mayesville Main Street. The mixed-use commercial development will revitalize Mayesville’s economy and create a gathering place with covered seating, dining areas, a cooperative grocery store and an upscale farmers market.

$1,200,000 – Paving of Pinewood Road. New paving on 1.1 miles of unpaved roads to facilitate public transportation and emergency vehicle accessibility and to improve maintenance service on other Sumter County roads. Streets to be paved in the downtown area: Railroad Ave., Nelson Street and McBride Street.

$9,500,000 – Dugan St. and Downtown Parking Garage. Connect parking lots and driveways from Dugan to Bartlette (parallel to South Main Street). Also provide additional parking infrastructure (parking deck) to support downtown development, including a downtown hotel and convention facility.

$1,250,000 – Delaine Community Center. Construction of a new 4,000 square foot community center for seniors and youth to replace the current center near the old Delaine School.

$3,000,000 – South Sumter Gym. Reconstruction/expansion of South Sumter Gym.

$1,500,000 – Redesign and streetscape Harvin Street. Improve downtown safety and increase on-street parking capacity.

$300,000 – Pinewood Sidewalks. Expands the community’s sidewalk network and provides safe walking routes to residential neighborhoods, schools, parks and commercial areas.

$3,500,000 – Community Sidewalks/Activity Trails. Expand Sumter's sidewalk and activity trail network to provide easier access to jobs, goods, services and recreation. This includes Wise Dr., Rast St., Winn St., Mason Rd., South Harvin St., E. Charlotte Ave., Calhoun Dr., Boulevard Rd., S. Sumter St., Miller Rd., Hoyt St., Stadium Rd., N. Lafayette Dr., Fulton St., and a connection between Shot Pouch Greenway and Palmetto Park.

$1,000,000 – Airport facilities upgrades. Expansion of a portion of the terminal, upgrade of the flooring and other cosmetic improvements. Taxiway extension in the southwest portion of the runway to allow for the construction of up to four (4) new aircraft hangars.

$2,500,000 – Community-wide acquisition of blighted buildings. Improve the community by acquiring and removing blighted buildings that blight residential neighborhoods and major transportation routes.


The maximum amount of net sales and use tax proceeds that may be used to repay the principal and interest on the County's General Obligation Bonds (the “Bonds”) shall not exceed $46,000,000.00 (based on anticipated sales and use tax revenues of $124,900,000.00 less administrative collection costs). The maximum $40,000,000.00 principal amount of the Bonds to be issued shall be repaid from the net sales and use tax proceeds pledged to repay the Bonds.

YES [ ]

NO [ ]