
Does “Barry” have better fight scenes than “Avengers: Endgame”?

We have seen some amazing action sequences from recent films and television series, including Game of Thrones' Battle of Winterfell and the explosive Avengers: Endgame.

What Nerdwriter postulates in a controversial video, however, is that neither of these two franchises delivered the best fight sequences in early May –Barry did so with the entry “Ronny/Lily”, episode 5 of the second season.

Not only is “Ronny/Lily,” with its script and direction by star Bill Hader, a wonderful example of how exciting and fresh television can be, but it is also an episode-long fight scene in which everything is right from start to finish.

Surveying the battlefield

The episode begins with the introduction of Ronny (Daniel Bernhardt), a seemingly harmless stoner in pajama pants. The first shots of the episode also show the location where the fight will take place, with even more character information about Ronny being given away wordlessly (he's messy, he likes kitschy art, he owns a skateboard).

A few minutes later, there's a hilarious cut that reveals that Ronny is actually a lot more menacing than he first appears – he's got a ton of martial arts trophies. Like, a ton.

Not only is this a much-needed comedic moment, but it's also an extremely effective storytelling device and helps to build tension. Nerdwriter calls this “Chekhov's Trophy Room.” Much like Chekhov's Rifle, the audience knows this will come into play at some point.

Subscribe'Barry'Photo credit: HBO

These opening shots ultimately set the tone for the episode. The shots are long, with smooth, slow pans across the room, with no background music. It's exciting and gripping, and unique.

The fight choreography

What I immediately liked about this episode was the tough, sloppy fighting style. This doesn't look like a tightly choreographed action scene. It's two guys fighting for their lives.

Nerdwriter points out that this fighting style is in line with Barry's tone as a show overall. The entire premise of the series revolves around both the reality and absurdity of violence. Barry kills people and his actions have consequences.

The stakes are extremely high as he and Ronny punch and tackle each other. When Barry punches Ronny in the throat, damaging his windpipe, it sets the tone for the rest of the story.

Surrealism can work

Hader spoke about The Sopranos episode “Pine Barrens” served as inspiration for “Ronny/Lily”. In this episode, characters Paulie and Christopher confront a Russian gangster with similarly unexpected violence, ultimately breaking the Russian's windpipe. Paulie and Christopher think he is dead, but the man is actually alive and manages to escape, setting off a chase through frigid woods.

As in “Pine Barrens,” Hader makes “Ronny/Lily” seem almost otherworldly at times, especially after Lily (Jessie Giacomazzi) shows up and can fight Barry with almost animalistic fury.

As Nerdwriter points out, this surrealism works because it speaks to the show's overarching themes. Barry has made choices in his life that have led him to these ridiculous moments.

The kind of dream sequences where he's on the brink of death throughout the episode reinforce this. The dreams show his younger self returning from a mission and meeting his agent Fuches (Stephen Root) to become an assassin. Because of this decision and more recent ones, he's now fighting a feral child – he's agreed to do what Fuches asked him to do.

Why “ronny/lily” is effective

Nerdwriter acknowledges that Barry It's not about big-budget action sequences and months of night-time filming. There are no superheroes involved and the fight isn't against White Walkers who want to turn the whole world into ice zombies.

What the episode does have going for it, though, is masterful, human storytelling, with beats that somehow flow effortlessly and realistically while also being completely unpredictable. Fight scenes like Barry's work without reaching monstrous proportions because their violence is realistic, the cinematography is appropriate and respectful of the episode's tone, and the plot fits beautifully into the show's larger themes.

Which universe contains your favorite action sequences: avenger, game of Thronesor Barry? My choice is probably pretty obvious.

Source: Nerdwriter