
“Star Trek” screenwriter Roberto is said to have repeatedly “raped” and “beaten” his wife

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“Star Trek” producer Roberto Orci charged with assault

What is the story

Roberto Orci, the screenwriter and producer known for his work on Star Trek And Transformersis accused of repeatedly physically and sexually assaulting his wife, actress Adele Heather Taylor.

The allegations emerged in a lawsuit that counters Orci's June claim that Taylor attacked him with a Taser and pepper spray.

The lawsuit describes years of abuse dating back to 2018, when Taylor allegedly fled a taxi after Orci punched her three times in the face.

Orci described as bipolar alcoholic in countersuit

The countersuit portrays Orci as a bipolar alcoholic who “rarely takes his medication” and frequently uses derogatory, sexist insults toward Taylor.

These include assault cases from May and June 2022 in which Orci allegedly knocked Taylor to the ground and raped her in her yard.

During these incidents, he allegedly told her that he could “do whatever I wanted with you” and that “you enjoy being raped.”

The lawsuit says these attacks left Taylor traumatized and afraid.

Orci is said to have used the police to maintain control

The lawsuit accuses Orci of manipulating the legal system to maintain control over Taylor.

In April 2020, he reportedly called the police under the “false accusation that Adele had physically assaulted him” when she acted in self-defense.

According to the documents, Orci used these incidents as an implicit threat, suggesting that he could have Taylor arrested at any time, which would further worsen her fear and trauma.

Orci files for divorce and restraining order

In December 2022, Taylor recorded her last encounter with Orci before she left him.

During this incident, Orci allegedly told her that if she spoke up about his abuse, no one would believe her. He said, “I can do whatever I want. You've been arrested twice, so you have nothing to say against me.”

Following this incident, Orci obtained a restraining order against Taylor and began divorce proceedings.

Taylor accused Orci of not keeping a financial agreement

In Taylor's countersuit, she claims that Orci, who is 15 years older than her, violated an agreement to divide her assets through a family trust.

This was intended to provide her with “financial support and security for the rest of her life.”

Taylor was a young actor when they met and had made a guest appearance in The blacklist in 2020.

Orci’s recent work includes co-creating Sleepy Hollow And Hawaii Five-Owhose 10 seasons ended in April 2020.

Orci's lawyer denied the allegations and admitted alcoholism

In response to the allegations, Orci's attorney Daniel Paluch denied the claims.

Paluch said in an email that his client “denies the allegations and looks forward to litigating the case in the appropriate forum, namely the court.”

In his lawsuit, Orci admitted to having suffered from alcoholism for years and having been hospitalized several times due to alcohol-related illnesses.

He also accused Taylor of taking advantage of his weakened condition for financial gain.