
OPINION: Democrats want to secure the upper hand in matters of freedom and patriotism

The national presidential campaign has undergone a sudden and marked upheaval in recent weeks. President Joe Biden's decision to hand the reins of the Democratic Party to Vice President Kamala Harris has sparked a remarkable resurgence of energy and enthusiasm among voters who generally support the policies of the past four years but firmly believe it is time for Biden to exit the stage.

The rousing Democratic convention in Chicago last week seemed to cap off this dramatic turnaround. Rarely has the Democratic Party – an often loud and unwieldy “big tent” long known for its diversity and disorganization – emerged from a convention so enthusiastic, united and motivated.

Of course, this abrupt change also has to do with people and personalities. The admiration and appreciation that Democrats feel for Biden is real and obvious, but equally clear was the fear that many felt about a fall campaign in which his advanced age would alienate millions of voters. And the fact that Harris seemed to rise to the occasion, and so quickly presented an image of striking confidence and authority, helped transform the relief at Biden's departure into a kind of celebratory joy.

But another important factor in the Democrats' newfound unity and enthusiasm, which extends beyond the transition of power (and could play an important role in the remaining ten weeks until Election Day), concerns two substantive issues.

It's about freedom and patriotism.

For many years, the American political right has adeptly seized on these issues and made them its own. Much of this success was based on labeling—see, for example, the ultra-conservative and misnamed “Freedom Caucus” in the House of Representatives—but some of it was real and substantive.

It's no secret that progressive forces have long been uncomfortable with the open display of nationalist flags, for a variety of historical and ideological reasons. And when one of the biggest substantive divisions between the modern left and right centered around taxes and corporate regulation, it was easy for advocates of laissez-faire economics to embrace the notion of “freedom.”

But in recent years, as the Republican Party has transformed from the party of Reagan and the Bush administration to the party of Trump, an obvious and important change has taken place.

Consider the following domestic policy issues on which 21st century progressives today convincingly argue that they are the champions of freedom:

  • Health care – where the Affordable Care Act and Biden-era reforms have freed millions of people from the life-threatening trap of corporate power that left them uninsured or uninsurable and unable to afford the cost of basic medicines
  • Reproductive rights, sexuality and gender – where the failure of Roe v. Wade abolished a fundamental human right to bodily autonomy for the first time in US history and a Democratic vice president can make the applause phrase “mind your own shit” a regular part of all his speeches.
  • Climate change and the environment – ​​where millions of people value the freedom that comes with living on a sustainable planet far more than permission to pollute or develop sensitive areas.
  • Gun violence – where the freedom to be safe and free from fear in public places is now widely viewed as more important than the absolutism of the Second Amendment
  • Democracy – where a growing majority demands the right to vote without burdensome obstacles in constituencies that are not rigged in favor of one party.

A similar pattern is currently evident in foreign policy – especially when it comes to opposing Vladimir Putin and other authoritarian dictators. There is no doubt that things like unbridled military spending and frequent global saber-rattling still worry many progressives. The legacy of the country's costly and often disastrous adventures in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq is still ever-present.

But Russia's criminal invasion of Ukraine and the actions of so many Putin wannabes around the world have changed everything for millions of Americans. They see these developments as a threat to freedom and democracy everywhere and are horrified at the idea that their country could be collaborating with such criminals as early as next January.

And so it was, as Susan J. Demas of the Michigan Advance noted in a recent column, that Democrats in Chicago last week “displayed a powerful, liberal display of patriotism that ranged from spontaneous shouts of 'USA!' to a sea of ​​American flags that filled the hall during key speeches.”

Speeches like the one in which their presidential candidate said to loud applause: “As Commander in Chief, I will ensure that America always has the strongest and most lethal military force in the world,” and “As President, I will never slacken in defending America's security and ideals. Because in the ongoing struggle between democracy and tyranny, I know where I stand—and where the United States of America belongs.”

It will be interesting to see whether this development proves fruitful in the Democrats' message and – if so – what changes it will lead to in both major parties in the months and years to come.

NC Newsline Editor Rob Schofield oversees the daily operations of the newsroom, writes regular commentary and hosts a weekly radio show/podcast. Republished from