
Uvalde City Judge and Grandson Taken into Custody for Separate Drug Offenses

UVALDE, Texas – A Uvalde city judge and his adult grandson were arrested earlier this week in connection with several drug-related offenses.

Municipal Judge Richard Gonzales, 75, and Anthony Xavier Gonzales, 30, were both booked into the Uvalde County Jail on Tuesday.

According to the Uvalde County Sheriff's Office, Richard Gonzales is charged with two counts of possession of a controlled substance. One of those charges was possession of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance weighing between one and four grams. The other charge is possession of a Penalty Group 3 controlled substance weighing less than 28 grams.

The judge was also released from custody on Tuesday, the sheriff's office said.

However, as of Wednesday, Anthony Xavier Gonzales remains in custody at the county jail. Similar to Judge Gonzales, the sheriff's office said the 30-year-old faces one count of possession of a controlled substance between one and four grams in Penalty Group 1 weighing between one and four grams, and another count of possession of a controlled substance in Penalty Group 3 weighing less than 28 grams.

In addition, deputies said Anthony Gonzales was charged with engaging in organized crime and unlawful possession of metal or body armor as a felon.

In an interview with the Uvalde Leader-News, Judge Gonzales said he was arrested by officers from the Department of Public Safety.

Judge Gonzales also told the newspaper that Anthony Xavier Gonzales, as well as the judge's daughter and his daughter's husband, were also taken into custody by authorities.

It is unclear what charges will be brought against the judge's daughter and son-in-law and whether they remain in custody at the Uvalde County Jail.

The Uvalde Leader-News also reported that the 30-year-old was arrested on July 19 and charged with possession of marijuana and unidentified controlled substances. He was reportedly arrested again on August 13 for tampering with evidence and violating conditions of pretrial detention.

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