
Former Nicholas County deputy sentenced to 20 years in prison for producing child pornography

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – A former Nicholas County deputy sheriff will spend 20 years in prison for producing child pornography.

Jarrod Steven Bennett, 38, of Mt. Nebo, was sentenced Wednesday by U.S. District Judge Irene C. Berger and received 30 years of probation after serving his 20-year prison sentence. Bennett must also register as a sex offender. Bennett pleaded guilty to the crimes in March.

According to court documents, in March 2023, while serving as a deputy with the Nicholas County Sheriff's Department, Bennett recorded two videos of a sleeping minor under the age of 12. Bennett filmed the girl as she slept face down and zoomed the camera in on her buttocks. Bennett also admitted that in one of the videos, he approached the minor and filmed his exposed penis and him masturbating near the girl.

Bennett then saved the two videos on the Snapchat app and distributed them. Snapchat closed Bennett's original account, but Bennett created a new account through which he continued to distribute the child pornography.

U.S. Attorney for Southwest Virginia Will Thompson says there is sufficient evidence of Bennett's guilt.

“The evidence in this case was overwhelming and I think that's what led to this confession,” Thompson said. “He showed remorse and accepted responsibility, but he still committed a crime while he was a police officer.”

Thompson said Judge Berger pointed out during the hearing that Bennett committed these heinous acts while serving in an important and honorable capacity.

“Judge Berger took note of that in the hearing. She essentially said, 'You are harassing the very people you are supposed to protect and violating the very laws you are supposed to uphold,'” Thompson said. “She emphasized that a lot, and rightly so.”

Thompson says when the victim's mother found out what Bennett had done, she reacted very physically.

“She was very upset and reacted physically to it, as she should have,” Thompson said. “It was her daughter that he had put online in a compromising situation,” Thompson said.

Bennett served as a police officer for 18 years.