
Former politician convicted of murdering Las Vegas reporter in 2022, jury sets sentence at 20 years to life

LAS VEGAS — A former Democratic politician was found guilty of murder by a Nevada jury on Wednesday and faces 20 years to life in prison for killing an investigative journalist who wrote articles two years ago criticizing his conduct while in office.

Robert Telles hung his head and shook it slightly from side to side as his verdict was read in Clark County District Court. Jurors deliberated for nearly 12 hours over three days before unanimously deciding that he ambushed and assaulted Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Jeff German in a side yard of German's home.

Telles did not speak then or when he learned of the sentence, but he appeared close to tears during character statements from his wife, mother and ex-wife. His defense attorney, Robert Draskovich, told reporters outside court that his client plans to appeal.

Telles, 47, was returned to custody, where he has been held without bail since his arrest several days after German's body was found over Labor Day weekend 2022. His sentencing was scheduled for October 16.

Jessica Coleman, a county clerk, was one of several colleagues who urged German in 2022 to investigate Telles' conduct as head of the office of unclaimed estate and probate cases. She sobbed after the verdict was read.

“Finally. Finally,” said Coleman after he and other colleagues had endured the process, which began on August 12. “Finally, the system works.”

Clark County District Court Judge Michelle Leavitt may seek a sentence enhancement because it was determined that the murder was committed with a deadly weapon, intentionally, deliberately and with intent, by a person lying in wait and a victim 60 years of age or older. That could increase Telles' sentence to a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 28 years.

Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson said outside the courtroom that he was surprised at how long the 12 jurors deliberated before reaching their guilty verdict. He said he was convinced that they had carefully considered the evidence.