
Ragnar Ache [9] – 1. FC Kaiserslautern – Forum | Page 212

Quote from Namprikong

Quote from TheEquinox

Quote from Namprikong

Quote from TheEquinox

Quote from Gutgolf

Quote from deadflower

4 million is a joke after paying 2 million for Ache, before he really took off like he has now. Then there's the 2-year contract and the timing so close to the transfer deadline. Not an acceptable offer, even if they had added Pritajn on top.

I see it very similarly. Our Viking is worth a lot more and will bring in a lot more transfer fee at the end of the season or possibly in the winter. I am very happy about this decision, as you rarely see a player like this in League 2 and even more rarely with us. wink. It may also play into our hands that we had such good cup earnings, otherwise the “game” might have turned out differently. We might have had to accept 4 million deaths. So let's celebrate Ragnar as a quasi-newcomer wink

Edith also says: The good Prtajin would not have been an adequate replacement either…he is far too much of the type of player that we already have with Mause.

I hope you're right, but he could also tear his cruciate ligament next week and be out for six months, and then he'll quickly become a dead stock.

And anyway, we're really at the point again where we call 4 million “nothing”. Not so long ago, we were talking about selling the whole club for 20 or 30 million and you're acting like we have the millions under our pillows. I get the impression that megalomania is slowly taking hold again…

Nothing is certainly exaggerated, but if a Tanaka with one year left on his contract moves for 4 million, a similar amount should be offered to compensate for the pain and should he stay fit as is the case now.
Aside from the money, a departure would have been a real damper on the mood

Aha, “nothing” is an exaggeration. So 4 million will be pretty much the budget we have for 1.5 to 2 seasons to improve the squad in the second division. If at all. That would be a huge chunk of money for a club like FCK…

4 million is a lot of money, I agree with you there.
But if I can play a carefree free season, we may end the season in the top half of the table and then get pain for 3 or 3.5 million, that has a lot of positive effects

– This season is fully financed, it should be better for the balance sheet if we generate a transfer surplus next season
– The likelihood of a solid season is higher with pain
– more time to find a successor
– The issue of Hengen and Anfang will calm down after a solid season

Of course, to do this, Pain has to stay fit and confirm last year’s good season.

You can see for yourself that there is a pretty big “if” there…
I think it's good if he stays and hangs on to the reins here, I'm just saying that it's a brave decision by Hengen with a lot of potential to back him, one that I probably wouldn't have made. Because when we're on the subject of “if” – what if we have to fight against relegation again at the end of the season and the questions start as to who even has a contract for League 3… or “if” Ache gets injured again for a long time and hardly plays.

When 1 to 1.5 million was being discussed for Tachie, the response was “that's nothing”, far too little, etc. – Now Tachie has performed poorly three times (like many others) and people are asking why exactly we didn't sell him for 1 million? I think some people here aren't really aware that we've been living at the mercy of investors recently, and we could never have brought Ache in for 2 million without a small wallet of money from SPI. Four million, five million with Tachie, would have ensured that we wouldn't have to sell off any more club shares at the end and would still be able to be active on the transfer market next season.