
Young rider of MSC Amtzell with great success

For the first time, twelve-year-old Lena Stephan from MSC Amtzell took part in the Trial Ladies Cup competitions and immediately achieved great success.

Flawless in Heideck

Lena Stephan won the first race in Bensheim in her class in sleet and the conditions that made it difficult. The second race in Kleinkrotzenburg, in optimal conditions and with varied sections, brought her third place. And at the double event in Heideck, Franconia, Lena won the day's ranking by a wide margin in warm temperatures thanks to two zero-fault rounds.

During the night of the second day of riding, it rained harder and turned the sections into a slippery slope. Lena Stephan showed all her skills and took second place. This additional top placement ultimately secured her overall victory in the 2024 Trial Ladies Cup.

Despite her young age, Lena Stephan (MSC Amtzell) already mastered her trial motorcycle excellently.

Despite her young age, Lena Stephan (MSC Amtzell) already mastered her trial motorcycle excellently. (Photo: Association)

It will be exciting to follow her career as she dominates adults on trial motorcycles at the age of twelve.

MSC juniors successful in many classes

The young MSC drivers were also successful in the competitions before the summer break for the state championship. Florian Stephan won all four races in the expert class at the double events in Schorndorf and Ölbronn.

Rufus Hampapa started in the specialists' category, won in Ölbronn and came second on the podium three times. Lena Stephan, in class 5, missed the podium only once with fourth place and came second twice and third once. Mattis Leib, the youngest Amtzeller in the automatic class, started in three races and came fourth, fifth and seventh.

Also leads in the team ranking

Florian Stephan, Rufus Hampapa and Lena Stephan are currently all in first place in the interim ranking of the state championship. And the Amtzell team is also in first place in the interim ranking of the Baden-Württemberg Trial Championship.