
Cheap last-minute holiday destinations for families in September – Nachrichten AG

The end of the summer holidays brings a breath of fresh air for travelers whose children are not of school age. While many are looking for exciting vacation deals, HomeToGo's data analysis has shown that non-traditional travel destinations are particularly attractive at the moment. “We analyzed over two million data points and found that Bulgaria and Albania are particularly cheap on average for those who want to travel spontaneously now,” comments travel expert Jonas Upmann from HomeToGo.

The large drop in prices is particularly noticeable in Morocco, where the cost of overnight accommodation has been reduced by an average of 66 euros compared to August. Travelers can also benefit from prices under 100 euros per night in classic holiday regions such as France or Italy. The wonderful weather and diverse culture also make these destinations ideal for a last-minute holiday.

Top 10 cheapest sunny countries in September

The popularity of certain holiday destinations depends heavily on the prices that travellers can find. The top 10 list of the cheapest sunny countries in September shows that accommodation is offered within a reasonable range, with prices starting from 50 euros per night for holiday homes or apartments.

Rank Holiday country Price September Comparison August
1. Bulgaria 50 euros – 34 euros
2. Albania 55 euros – 15 euros
3. Morocco 68 euros – 66 euros
4. France 85 euros – 15 euros
5. Italy 88 euros – 16 euros
6. Croatia 96 euros – 25 euros
7. Spain 98 euros – 12 euros
8. Tunisia 100 euros – 9 euros
9. Greece 102 euros + 1 euro
10. Portugal 106 euros – 14 euros

The list shows that Bulgaria and Albania are currently the best options for sun worshippers looking for relatively cheap accommodation. The price-performance ratio speaks for itself.

Turkish Türkiye through inflation

On the other hand, one of the most popular travel destinations, Turkey, has fallen out of the top 10. An overnight stay in Turkey in September costs an average of 135 euros, which represents an increase of 22 euros compared to the previous month. This is partly due to the high inflation, which is currently at a whopping 61.78 percent, which is causing the cost of living, including hotel prices, to rise sharply. Stefan Baumert, TUI's Germany boss, also points out that “hotel prices are higher than in Spain.”

The policies of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are also having an impact on the country's economic situation and currency. According to reports, both domestic and foreign tourists are losing interest in vacationing in Turkey and are looking for cheaper alternatives. Greece is one of them, as its hotels, for example on the island of Kos, are already fully booked.

Visitors to Greece's coastal resorts have the opportunity to travel at the best price, while interest in Turkey is declining. The rise in hotel prices and the poor currency forecast are making a holiday in Turkey less and less attractive for many, opening the door to other European destinations.

The opportunity to travel at short notice has become attractive for many, and the analysis shows where the trip is currently taking place at particularly low cost. While providers adapt in May, the trend of last-minute offers will continue and travelers will be drawn to the sunny countries of the south.