
Hamburg: Two men in court after illegal car race

In November 2022, an illegal car race ended in a total write-off. A driver lost control of his car and crashed into a tree. Now the 28-year-old and the other driver (24) are on trial.

The two men provide initial information about an illegal car race in Hamburg's old town on the evening of November 15, 2022 at around 10:30 p.m. The now 24-year-old was sitting in a BMW M5 at the time, the older man in a VW Golf R.

Both vehicles raced across the Alsterglacis towards the Lombardsbrücke. There the fatal crash occurred: the driver of the VW Golf lost control of his car in a left-hand bend just before the Lombardsbrücke and came off the road. There he drove over several tree guards, slammed into a tree and finally hit a lamppost. Due to the force, he did a few pirouettes on the grass verge and came to a stop completely destroyed.


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When the rescue team arrived, both drivers were still at the scene. The passenger in the VW Golf was slightly injured in the accident and had to be taken to hospital after receiving first aid on site. According to the Hamburg public prosecutor's office, he suffered injuries to his neck and chest. The driver of the Golf was unharmed, while the driver of the BMW was not involved in the accident.

Illegal car race in Hamburg: Drivers must answer in court

The police confiscated the driving licenses of both men and closed the road for the subsequent clean-up work. The total property damage amounted to 13,240 euros.

On Monday, the two men will have to answer to the Hamburg District Court for the accident.

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In October 2017, illegal motor racing was upgraded from an administrative offence to a criminal offence. Since then, even taking part in such a race can be punished with imprisonment. Previously, there were only fines. Paragraph 315d of the Criminal Code provides for up to ten years in prison if a prohibited motor racing causes the death of another person. It will also be a criminal offence to attempt to hold an illegal race, even if it does not take place. This is to prevent organisers from getting away with it if the police find out about the plan and thwart it. But simply speeding is also a criminal offence.