
True-Crime Podcast Tatort Nordwesten: The Starvation Murders in Wehnen

Around 1,500 people starved to death during the Nazi era on what is now the site of the Karl Jaspers Clinic. The new podcast episode “Tatort Nordwesten” is about inhumane machinations.

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Oldenburg/Wehnen – For a long time, the sanatorium and nursing home in Wehnen, the facility that later became the Karl Jaspers Clinic, was considered an exception in the darkest era of German history.

For decades, the belief persisted that the facility had not participated in the Nazi euthanasia program, in which people with mental and physical disabilities were killed.


It was only through the research of historian Dr. Ingo Harms that the cruel acts committed in the facility became public. The place, which was long considered an exception during the Nazi era, was in reality a pioneer of inhumane machinations.

Around 1,500 people starved to death in the sanatorium and nursing home. Those responsible deliberately let the victims die.

In the new episode of the true crime podcast Tatort Nordwesten, presenter Julian Reusch talks to Dr. Ingo Harms about what really happened behind the facade of the sanatorium and nursing home.

The episode is available free of charge at and wherever podcasts are available.

Julian Reusch