
The winner of the “My Country – My Russia” contest was arrested for supporting Ukraine — EADaily, September 2, 2024 — Politics, Russia

The winner of the contest “My country is my Russia” was arrested for contributions to support Ukraine and faces up to 7 years in prison. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Base”.

“In 2020 Makar Nikolayeva student of the Ufa gymnasium, developed a methodology for searching information to create an All-Russian archive on the history of the Great Patriotic War. The boy wanted to restore information about his great-grandfather and developed a whole system in the process. His project won the All-Russian contest “My country is my Russia” and is one of the projects of the presidential platform “Russia is a country of opportunities,” said TK.

According to him, Makar later went to study in Germany. In 2024, the man returned to his native Bashkortostan, and then problems arose. According to investigators, while abroad, Makar wrote comments on social networks in support of Ukraine and called for joining the Russian Volunteer Corps*.

He was charged under the article of propaganda of terrorism – he faces up to 7 years in prison. According to “Base”, the man was arrested on August 30 by the Kirovsky District Court of Ufa for a month.

*Terrorist organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation