
Celebrating Keanu Reeves' 60th birthday: The eternal darling of the internet

Hollywood star Keanu Reeves is one of those rare celebrities who has endeared himself to his audience perhaps more for his off-screen personality than on it. Reeves has been the internet's boyfriend for as long as I can remember. The status was bestowed on him some time ago and since then, various pictures, memes and videos of Keanu Reeves have been popping up on social media showing his interactions with people.

There are many instances dating back over a decade where Reeves shows off his gallant side. A viral video of the star from 2011 often appears in movies and short films. On the New York City subway, Keanu gives up his seat to a woman carrying a large bag. A few years later, reports also surfaced of him waiting in line to get into a club to attend the wrap party of his film (Daughter of God). Around the same time, Keanu was photographed eating a sandwich while sitting on a bench in NYC. The video first caused a stir on Reddit and has since made the rounds millions of times on various social media platforms, giving rise to the “Sad Keanu” meme.

In one of his previous media interviews, Keanu Reeves had commented on the meme in question and said that although he found it “funny,” he wished his privacy had not been violated.

One of his fans once revealed via an X-thread that Keanu Reeves often came to her bookstore to buy books and even called ahead to reserve his materials, all apparently in an effort to support the dying culture of independent bookstores, The Times reported. Well, it seems there's some truth to that, as the star co-founded a book company called X Artists Books in 2018. In a previous press interview quoted by the Los Angeles Times, Reeves had revealed why he got involved in the project – “The joy of reading and thinking and imagining and going on a journey.”

For those who don’t know, Reeves is co-author of the novel “The Book of Elsewhere” with writer China Mieville.

Besides books, Keanu also loves motorcycles. There are several videos online in which he interacts with other motorcycle enthusiasts. The fans, in turn, seemed respectful and kept their distance from the star while politely exchanging pleasantries and trivia about their favorite mode of transportation.

While these scenes are memorable in their own right, the sweetest and most profound moments are when Keanu Reeves gives us a glimpse into his mind. An interview with talk show host Stephen Colbert comes to mind. When Colbert asked Keanu what happens when we die, the actor simply replied, “I know those who love us will miss us,” which drew a collective “aah” from the audience.

In another conversation with Colbert, when asked to describe the rest of his life in five words, Keanu Reeves evoked joy and hope when he answered in his usual Keanu manner, “I will be hopeful.”

One of his most recent viral interactions was with actor and talk show host Drew Barrymore, where she asked Reeves if he was a fighter or a lover. And he charmingly replied, “If you're a lover, you must be a fighter. Because if you don't fight for your love, what kind of love do you have?” But more than that wonderful and winning answer, what made Reeves' reaction to his own quote even more tangible in that moment. Because right after that answer, the actor visibly flinched, drawing laughter from the studio audience.

Reeves experienced a professional resurgence a few years ago with his hit series John Wick, in which he plays the titular gun-wielding killing machine who doesn't speak a word. The films provided more fodder for memes, and the Keanu Reeves brand expanded its horizons as internet users demanded that he star in Marvel and Disney's blockbuster films of the time.

Calls for the actor to be cast in the Toy Story franchise (he eventually voiced the character Duke Caboom in Toy Story 4) and to play Dr. Doom in a Marvel film (which will now star Robert Downey Jr.) began to gain momentum. And when it was confirmed in 2019 at the launch of the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 (a game developed by CD Projekt Red) that Reeves would be voicing Johnny Silverhand, the fanbase went wild.

While celebrities have a limited lifespan – as far as their careers and the internet are concerned – it seems that Keanu Reeves will remain relevant for a long time to come, as his (intentional) kindness continues to shine a beautiful light on everyone's social media feeds despite his oft-discussed personal issues and celebrity status, making him the rare type of celebrity who seemingly stays down to earth while enjoying his celebrity life.

Published by:

Anvita Singh

Published on:

2 September 2024