
Tunisia: Presidential candidate Ayachi Zammel arrested

02 September 2024 | 12.08

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Ayachi Zammel, one of the three candidates approved so far for the October 6 presidential election in Tunisia, was arrested this morning in Tunis. According to a member of his campaign team, Mahdi Abdeljaouad, told Radio Mosaique, the businessman at the head of Azimoun, a small liberal party, was arrested for “forging” the signatures supporting his candidacy that must be presented by law for the presidential election. Zammel has been transferred to a National Guard barracks in Tebourba, about 40 km west of Tunis. Azimoun's treasurer was arrested last month on similar charges and will face trial starting September 13, according to local media.

To appear on the ballot, candidates must submit a list of signatures from 10,000 registered voters, 10 parliamentarians or 40 local officials. Zammel is one of three candidates selected by Tunisia's electoral authority on August 10 to run in the elections, along with President Kais Saied, who is seeking a second term, and former MP Zouhair Maghzaoui. The outgoing president, who was democratically elected in 2019, is accused by the opposition of an authoritarian drift following his “coup” on July 25, 2021, after which he seized full power.