
A new fight against mosquitoes begins on Kauai and soon on Maui

KAUAI (HawaiiNewsNow) – A new battle against mosquitoes is underway on Kauai and soon on Maui, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources said.

DLNR officials said they were waging an air war against the pests that spread avian malaria.

Helicopters are used to spread a bacterium in forests that inhibits the growth of the mosquito population.

The authorities stress that the bacteria are not harmful to humans or other living creatures. The aim is to protect our native species, including the almost extinct Indian grouse and other important forest birds.

“Without them, we wouldn't have a forest. Without the forest, I mean, what would Kauai look like without these forests? It wouldn't be the Kauai we know and love, and we would have catastrophic erosion and landslides like we had in 2018,” said Dr. Lisa Crampton, project manager of the Kauai Forest Bird Recovery Project.

According to officials, the bacteria will be deployed on Maui sometime in early 2025.