
Report: Fifteen-year-old son of police officer hangs himself after family refuses to give him coconut water

A 15-year-old son of a police constable hanged himself after his family denied him coconut water, said a report in Navbharat Times. The tragic incident took place in Uttarakhand on Saturday (August 31). The teenager was studying in Class 10 at a school in Kotdwar in Paudi-Gadhwal. His father, a police constable, was away from home at the time of the tragedy and was posted in Chamoli.

What happened that day?

The incident occurred after the teenager returned home from school at 6:30 pm on Saturday. On his return, he asked for coconut water. His family members forbade him from drinking coconut water in the evening as it could cause him to catch a cold. This angered him.

The boy then went to his room and hanged himself using a noose attached to the window bars. The family was unaware of what was happening and only learned of the tragedy when they entered the room to call him for dinner.

The teenager's body was sent for an autopsy.

In recent months, teenage suicides have been reported from many parts of the country. In July, an 18-year-old boy committed suicide after his father refused to buy him a new iPhone worth Rs 1.5 lakh.

The boy was reportedly addicted to drugs and dropped out of school. Although the boy wanted the latest iPhone, his father bought him a cheap Vivo phone.

The police registered an accidental death.