
Jail sentence for man who chanted racist abuse at police during Whitehall riots

Jordan Rawlings, 25, of Ritson Avenue, Bearpark, Durham, was among more than 700 people who gathered for a protest opposite Downing Street at around 6.30pm on July 31, following a similar demonstration in Southport, a court heard.

The protesters entered the area agreed with the Metropolitan Police and as the protesters moved towards Parliament Square, the defendant was filmed shouting at a line of police officers in riot gear.

By this time, one person had already attempted to climb over the gate to Downing Street and officials had been attacked with missiles.

Prosecutor Rachel Masters told Teesside Crown Court the group approached the statue of Sir Winston Churchill as Rawlings and others chanted “Allah, Allah, who the f*** is Allah?”

He was also observed making gestures towards the police.

A video shown in court showed a group of men shouting “You are not English any more” and calling the officers “scum”.

Rawlings was initially arrested at the scene. He was released once the situation was under control. Following further police analysis of CCTV footage, he was arrested again on 8 August at Darlington train station as he attempted to travel to London.

During his first appearance before the judge, Rawlings, who has no previous convictions, admitted causing racially motivated harassment, alarm or distress.

Defence lawyer Gary Wood said: “He was clearly carried away by the behaviour that went on there and it is behaviour that he deeply regrets.”

Mr Wood said his client did not throw missiles, fight with police, cover his face or threaten violence.

Judge Francis Laird KC told Rawlings that his conduct occurred against a backdrop of “acts of civil disobedience developing across the country”.

The judge said: “You have chosen to be part of an organised and large-scale act of civil unrest.

“You were part of a group that acted aggressively towards police officers and chanted racist insults.”

The judge said a suspended sentence was inappropriate and imposed a prison sentence of 24 weeks.