
Why this investment lets you sleep better than 99% of investors – and brings you big profits

Turbulent stock market times can catch investors out of nowhere. But there are ways to invest profitably even in times of crisis. This special investment approach offers two key advantages: It provides peace and security, while at the same time attractive returns are possible – that's what it's all about.

War, inflation, interest rate changes… there is certainly uncertainty on the stock markets. The stock markets have now recovered after a correction in August and there is generally a positive climate on the markets.

Nevertheless, there are several factors that could cause another tremor at any time. How can investors prepare themselves for all eventualities? And are there ways to not only act defensively, but also profit despite having protection in the portfolio?

Fortunately, there are companies that either profit or at least remain unscathed in such volatile phases. This is exactly the company that BÖRSE ONLINE has Stable Values ​​Index In summary.

Stable company for volatile times – that’s what it means

The Stable Values ​​Index consists of 18 companies that offer protection against inflation and market volatility in different ways. These include commodity producers such as Barrick Gold (precious metals), Cameco (uranium), K+S (fertilizers) and Rio Tinto (iron ore and copper), which have a certain resistance to inflation due to their ability to implement price increases. The food manufacturer Nestlé is also part of this group because of its ability to pass on cost increases to the consumer.

Another exciting aspect is the increasing importance of renewable energies. The Norwegian oil company Equinor has significantly increased its investments in renewable energies, which is a strategic advantage in view of the increasing scarcity of resources and rising energy costs. The index is complemented by companies such as Ackermans & van Haaren, a Belgian specialist in offshore wind turbines, as well as Baywa, a German building materials dealer and solar park operator, and Ørsted, a leading Danish provider of green energy.

A broadly diversified and crisis-proof portfolio

With government spending on defense and cybersecurity increasing, companies such as Rheinmetall, Microsoft and Palo Alto Networks could also benefit significantly. These companies are ideally positioned to benefit from global investments in security and digital infrastructure.

The portfolio is rounded off by broadly positioned investment companies such as Berkshire Hathaway, led by stock market legend Warren Buffett, and the Swedish Investor AB, which bundles the holdings of the influential Wallenberg family. These companies offer excellent diversification across crisis-resistant industries, different commodity classes and a variety of currency areas.

Easy access and regular adjustment

All stocks included in the index are initially equally weighted, with each position accounting for five percent of the total portfolio. In addition, a ten percent share of gold, represented by the exchange-traded Xetra Gold, provides additional security. The index values ​​are reviewed every six months and, if necessary, reset to the original weighting to ensure the stability of the portfolio.

Investors who would like to participate in this stable and diversified portfolio have the option of replicating the index directly via an index certificate.

With this well-thought-out investment approach, investors can not only sleep soundly in volatile times, but also benefit from the growth opportunities of the selected companies in the long term. Such an investment offers a rare combination of security and profitability – exactly what many investors are looking for.

All information about the index can be found here

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Note on conflicts of interest:
The price of the financial instruments is derived from an index as the underlying value. Börsenmedien AG developed this index and holds the rights to it. Börsenmedien AG has concluded a cooperation agreement with the issuer of the securities shown, according to which it grants the issuer a license to use the index. Börsenmedien AG receives remuneration from the issuer in this regard.

Reference to conflicts of interest
The CEO and majority shareholder of the publisher Börsenmedien AG, Mr. Bernd Förtsch, has directly and indirectly taken positions in the following financial instruments mentioned in the publication or derivatives related to them, which can benefit from the possible linear price development resulting from the publication: Barrick Gold, Xetra-Gold.

Reference to conflicts of interest
The board member of the publisher Börsenmedien AG, Mr. Leon Müller, has directly and indirectly taken positions in the following financial instruments mentioned in the publication or derivatives related to them, which can benefit from any effects of a price development resulting from the publication: Microsoft.