
Federal Minister of Labour: “That’s right” – Heil announces zero increase in citizen’s allowance for 2025

After a significant increase at the beginning of the year, recipients of the so-called citizen's allowance will now have to make do with the current standard rate for longer. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) justified the deaths with the fall in inflation. He also announced tougher sanctions for those who refuse to work.

After the sharp increase this year, there will be no increase in the citizen's allowance in 2025. This was stated by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) in the program “Frühstart” on RTL and ntv.

The SPD politician justified this with the legally prescribed procedure for calculating the amount of the standard rates. In the event of high inflation, the standard rates would also have to be adjusted accordingly. However, the inflation rate has now fallen sharply. Therefore, the legal mechanism is such that there will be no increase in the citizen's allowance at the beginning of 2025.

Heil continued: “And that is why the figures and the legal mechanism indicate that, as predicted, there will be no increase in the citizens’ allowance on January 1st.” And that is also correct.”

Sanctions are also to be tightened

People in need must be helped, stressed Heil. “But it is also clear: This is the minimum subsistence level, no more, but also no less.” The sanctions are also to be tightened up. There are obligations to cooperate, stressed Heil. Such obligations have always existed, but the job centers said that they were too bureaucratic.

It is not about suspecting everyone of laziness. But if someone is chronically absent from their appointments, there must be restrictions. “He also wants to send a signal against welfare abuse,” said Heil. There must be tough sanctions for illegal work despite receiving benefits. The minister also announced an improved exchange of data between the job centers and the customs authorities' illegal work control.

At the beginning of 2024, the amounts received by those receiving basic social security had increased noticeably – for single people by around 61 to 563 euros per month. Overall, recipients of citizen's allowance received twelve percent more money from the state than in 2023. Adults who live with a partner receive 506 euros. For children and young people, the rates are between 357 and 471 euros, depending on their age.

The FDP had already called for fundamental reforms to the citizens' allowance. Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) had suggested a reduction. Heil's Social Ministry had already announced the foreseeable zero increase at the end of July. “We are currently expecting that, given the current situation, there will probably be no increase on January 1, 2025,” it said at the time.
