
Signature scandal: Politicians must act quickly

“Political hesitation would be disastrous”: Expert calls for rapid action from Federal Council after signature scandal

Paid signature collectors have apparently forged signatures for initiatives. Campaigner Daniel Graf believes measures are now needed to protect democracy.

Every year, hundreds of boxes of signature sheets are submitted to the federal government.

Every year, hundreds of boxes of signature sheets are submitted to the federal government.

Image: Keystone

It was a “crash that was announced,” says Daniel Graf, co-founder of WeCollect and the Foundation for Direct Democracy. He is referring to the revelations about forged signatures in the context of purchased collections for initiatives. “There have been indications of fraud for around five years. But I am surprised by the extent of it.” For Graf, before assigning blame and responsibility, the first thing to consider is democracy itself. And Graf is certain: “It suffered the most in this crash.”