
Federal government plans to exit Commerzbank: What investors need to know now!

The federal government plans to gradually reduce its stake in Commerzbank as the bank has stabilized since the financial crisis. The federal government currently holds 16.5 percent of the credit institution, which corresponds to a value of around 2.6 billion euros. Eva Grunwald, Managing Director of the Finance Agency, emphasizes that the bank's economic situation has continuously improved since 2021. Florian Toncar, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance, explains that the federal government's entry in 2008 and 2009 was crucial to ensuring financial market stability. Now, however, it is time to divest the shares, as Commerzbank is once again considered stable and viable.

The exact timetable and volume of the sale are still unclear. However, market analysts warn that the sales plans could put pressure on the share price in the short term. Following the announcement, Commerzbank shares temporarily fell by 3.4 percent, and in the last three months the stock has already lost 17 percent. Investors are expressing concerns that the impending sales could put further pressure on the share price. Some commentators in the Commerzbank forum on wO are speculating about possible share price losses and are calling for alternative solutions such as a share buyback program.



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