
FC Bayern tests independent marketing abroad: “We don't want to wait for others” – News Forum – Forum | Page 7

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Quote from JJ-S04

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Quote from Boehmus

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Quote from Boehmus

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Quote from Boehmus

I think, if so, then so.
The FCB's separation from the Bundesliga is good, but please do it right away and leave the league or campaign more vehemently and transparently for the Superleague.

One is still allowed to dream Laughing

I have a tip for you, the best thing would be for Eintracht to simply be relegated to the 2nd league, then you don't have to fear stronger teams Roll your eyes

A Bundesliga championship without Bayern in the league would be like an EL victory, it would have something positive/nice/gratifying about it, but you still know that you are only “the best of the rest” and it is nowhere near comparable to a CL victory. The World Cup title also feels bigger than the European Championship title, simply because the best teams in the world also took part in the tournament.

Yes, that may be the opinion in the limited Bayern cosmos. But there are also people who are not interested in Bayern at all and just find the club totally boring. So the statement about the EL triumph can only come from a successful fan. You will never be able to feel true emotions. The EL victory, and the cup victory before that, were incredible moments and I didn't waste a second thinking about another title because that is just totally irrelevant. And I would celebrate a championship title in a Bundesliga without the magnificent FC Bayern just as much as with Bayern.

Just talk yourself into believing everything is fine, the reality is different. The second division championship in 97/98 was of course just as great as the championship in the first division strong

Since you have most likely never experienced Eintracht's championship yourself, you cannot know what it feels like and make any comparison, and there is no need to even talk about a CL victory thumbs-up

Just because it doesn't fit into your limited cosmos doesn't mean you're denying reality. The CL and FCB aren't the center of every football fan's existence. Deal with it.

Maybe you should expand your language cosmos

Quote from Boehmus

Yes, that may be the opinion in the limited Bayern cosmos.

Quote from Boehmus

Just because it doesn’t fit into your limited cosmos

Obviously Bavaria still plays a big role in your cosmos if you click on the article, read it and comment on it several times strong

Quote from JJ-S04

I am also pretty sure that for many Schalke fans the 2nd league championship meant more emotions than the last 4-11 championship for Bayern fans.
The way we stood there on the pitch with our friends from Nuremberg. Oh man. That was a day for the ages. Simon Terrode gets the cannon. Truly legendary.

And I am sure that every Schalke fan and player would swap 10 championships in the 2nd division for one in the 1st division. Every athlete and fan wants to achieve the maximum and all titles below that are just a nice intermediate step, but by no means the ultimate desired goal.

That's OK, of course it would be cool to become champions. But we won't.

I hope you don't see your life in such a way that success is the only ultimate goal. Because then you would have to be an extremely sad, bitter person. I mean, you already have those tendencies.
According to your logic, every Tesla employee should be totally bitter because they are not Elon Musk. And if you want to accuse me of that, I'm happy not to be a billionaire grins

Ahjach, so you know that I am a sad bitter person Roll your eyes And reading isn't your strong point either. In what world is “a nice step forward” the same as being bitter? You have to rewrite other statements to be able to be insulting.

Good for you if you're happy, but you would definitely be happier with 1 million more in your account, even if that's completely beside the point. Everyone will achieve the best/highest possible, the only difference is how much you're willing to invest in it.

Others pretend not to be able to read and then change a subjunctive to an indicative to make a personal attack, exactly my humor thumbs-up

You said it yourself: achieve the best or highest possible. But for many clubs (in their current situation) that is simply not the Bundesliga title, but the 2nd division or the EL title. Of course, as a CLUB you should always try to develop further, anything else would lead to sporting and financial ruin in the long term, but that does not mean that the title in the 2nd division should mean less to a Münster fan, for example, as a newly promoted team, than the Bundesliga title does to me as a Bayern fan. Of course I would be very happy about it, but given the current sporting and financial situation, that is still somehow the expectation. For a Preußen Münster fan, the expectation is a relegation battle. Then to win a title out of nowhere, when you were expecting much less, is simply nicer for me than if that was the expectation at the start of the season.

Yes, maybe or even probably you are quite a… you can think of the rest yourself eyes-hold