
IDF reservists fear legal consequences for shooting illegal border crossers – Defense News

IDF reservists in the northern West Bank stationed near Harish are now hesitant to shoot Palestinians who cross the fence illegally, even though IDF rules of engagement allow them to do so, Walla reported on Thursday.

The reservists fear that the military police might track them down if they miss their target, so the police advise them not to shoot at all.

The change in the rules of engagement was proposed by Major General Yehuda Fuchs and reinforced by Major General Avi Blot to curb the weekly infiltration of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Despite ongoing efforts to repair and fully seal the barrier, hundreds of illegal intruders still cross the border every day.

As a punishment, soldiers detain infiltrators for at least six hours before releasing them back into Palestinian territory. Some soldiers criticized this practice, calling it a “reward” rather than a punishment, as it gives them the opportunity to try again later.

Terrorists follow the infiltration routes

There are growing fears that terrorists could use the same routes as job-seeking infiltrators to carry out attacks. One soldier noted: “Instead of punishing them, they are being rewarded.”

IDF soldiers guard a barrier in the West Bank. (Source: gettyimages)

The Israel Defense Forces spokesman clarified that shootings are subject to operational review and that an investigation by the military police is only possible in cases of suspected criminal activity or in incidents where the shooting was not authorized by the chain of command.